
Who cares ...







青玉案 - 元夕(辛棄疾‧宋)

Thousand trees release blossoms in the east wind
As fireworks soar, explode and fall like rain

Majestic horses and ornate carriages leave a fragrant path east
Phoenix plays the flute in the light breeze
As the pod of jade illumines under full moon
Fish-dragon lanterns dancing in the night

Women adorned like caterpillars weaving gold threads in the snowy willow
Laughter fills the darkness and the gloom fades

Desperately trying to seek my love in the endless crowd
When I suddenly turn around
And found that the one was there
Flickering in the coral hued lanterns fade


The Excalibur

King Arthur's history and legend is intimately linked to the magic and mysterious sword Excalibur. As Merling the wizard and the protector of Arthur, has proclaimed, only the one able to put the sword out of the stone would be the king. Arthur, knelt in front of the stone fulfilled this deed, took the sword, went with it to the cathedral and offered it in the altar. Arthur was anointed with the Sacred Oil and in presence of all the barons and common people, he solemnly swore to be a loyal king and to defend Truth and Justice all the days of his life.

King Arthur was guided by Merlin and the sword. Excalibur brought a new rule to Britain. Arthur won twelve great battles and brought twelve years of peace to Britain. Arthur had a round table to seat over 150 knights in his castle - Camelot. The table was made of very valuable wood and magic. It was created by Merlin as a wedding present when Arthur married Guinevere. There are rumors that said that Merlin enchanted the table to make it invincible when Arthur was alive. The round table was a majestic and powerful table. With the knights of the round table, King Arthur had many adventures. But eventually, he was mortally wounded in a rebellion led by his nephew Mordred.

When King Arthur approaching death, he asked Sir Bedivere to return the Excalibur to Lady of the Lake who was the owner of the sword. Nonetheless, Bedivere believed the sword was too precious to throw into a lake so he only pretended to discard the sword into the lake. When he returned to King Arthur, Arthur asked him what he saw when he tossed the sword into the lake. He replied that the sword just vanished under the water. He did this on two occasions and King Arthur reprimanded him both times and ordered him to the lake with Excalibur the third time. This time, Bedivere listened to the wish of King Arthur and tossed Excalibur into the lake. A hand belonging to the Lady of the Lake came from the depths of the lake, grabbed the sword and pulled it under. King Arthur then passed away.

總感覺 King Arthur 在臨死前,會有著袁崇煥這首詩的感慨:





A Secular Religion ...

It's not what they don't know that hurts them.
It is what they know that just ain't so.


A book that was written in 1841 by Charles Mackay. Titled Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds, it remains a worthwhile chronicle – at least through the mid-nineteenth century – of some of the consequences of mankind’s periodic collapses into mass-mindedness. If Mackay was around today, he would be able to devote a chapter to the emergence of the latest secular religion: Environmentalism.

It is a common mistake for people to assume that religious faith and fervor are qualities to be found only within institutionally-structured churches with formal doctrines and rituals. They are to be found, in varying degrees, within all belief systems, be they secular or theistic in nature. The polar opposite philosophies of Marxism and Ayn Rand’s Objectivism – both of which openly condemned traditional religion – are, themselves, grounded in a faith in various central propositions. True-believers of these doctrines who voiced doubt as to any of the underlying premises, have been subjected to purges as enthusiastically conducted as medieval trials for heresy.

Perhaps it is the engineer-side of me that insists upon people presenting evidence for their allegedly empirical statements. Using such a standard has led me to conclude that the Earth is, indeed, currently undergoing global warming; and that it has undergone fluctuations between periods of “cooling” and “warming” since long before humans appeared on the planet. Indeed, astronomers report that other planets – particularly Mars – are experiencing similar climate changes as those of Earth. Unless the apostles of the global warming orthodoxy are prepared to lay the blame for Mars’ increased temperatures and melting ice caps on a transmigration of human-generated entropic wastes, factual evidence would suggest looking beyond Earth, itself, for explanations.

The study of “chaos” and complexity also reminds that complex systems are influenced by far too many variables of unknown and incalculable factors to permit reliable predictions. Nowhere is this more evident than in efforts to predict local weather. Indeed, the study of chaos was precipitated when MIT professor, Edward Lorenz, used computers to experiment with weather forecasting in the early 1960s. Lorenz discovered what all of us who have tried to make long-term plans for picnics have learned: predicting the weather is quite unreliable beyond two to three days time. There are simply too many unknown and unknowable factors influencing the weather.

The religious nature of the global warming cult also finds expression in the purchase of “carbon offsets,” with which to compensate for excessive CO2 production. This practice has been likened, by some, to the medieval church practice of selling “indulgences.” And like many other religions, this emerging sect has its own version of an apocalypse, with mankind facing a cosmic cataclysm unless we humans end our sinful ways and embrace the secular theology.

現今的左翼環保運動,便集合了一切宗教的元素﹕環保團體變成了可以預言「生態大災難」的「先知」,宣揚以電腦模擬推算出來的「全球暖化」末日論,個人消費行被視為「破壞大自然的原罪」,「救贖」的方法則是透過政府的干預和禁制,「淨化」我們的浪費習慣,為下一代 (來世) 創造一個「大自然伊甸園」。更往往會狂妄自大到荒謬的地步﹕例如認為人類的力量可以「拯救全球氣候變化」,把氣溫變化「控制在攝氏兩度之內」﹔他們更不相信自然界的災害是「上帝的意旨」(Act of God),於是把風暴、乾旱、水浸等天災通通歸咎於人們「不環保」的消費行為。在這種教義之下,人類反而變成了一種令「地球先生」生病的病毒。








花房姑娘 - 崔建

我獨自走過你身旁 並沒有話要對你講
我不敢抬頭看著你 噢......臉龐

你問我要去向何方 我指著大海的方向
你的驚奇像是給我 噢......讚揚

你問我要去向何方 我指著大海的方向
你問我要去向何方 我指著大海的方向

你帶我走進你的花房 我無法逃脫花的迷香
我不知不覺忘記了 噢......方向

你說我世上最堅強 我說你世上最善良
我不知不覺已和花兒 噢......一樣

你說我世上最堅強 我說你世上最善良
你說我世上最堅強 我說你世上最善良

你要我留在這地方 你要我和它們一樣
我看著你默默地說 噢......不能這樣

我就要回到老地方 我就要走在老路上
這時我才知離不開你 噢......姑娘

我就要回到老地方 我就要走在老路上
這時我才知離不開你 噢......姑娘



以及對事業、愛情、人生的不同理解和追求。沈萍 — 一個四川江邊小鎮上土生土長的姑娘,因為不認命,不認熊,發奮努力考上了北京 S 大學中文系。

在新的環境中,由於自己既不是名門之後,也沒有學術界的關係,將來很可能又回到鄉下去當教書匠而自輕自賤。為附庸風雅,她背「人名辭典」,讀藝術家傳記,拜見學者名流,甚至不惜以青春作賭注結交「名門之後」的男朋友,最終落入陷阱。她的虛榮心鼓動著她去「闖人生」,以鑽進「上層社會」的小圈子為榮。另一位青年秦江,原是個在北京上層社會長大的高幹子弟,十年動亂中隨父親的沉浮而沉浮,或得意或沮喪,從未找到自己在生活中的位置。終於有一天,他感到被生活淘汰的恐慌,於是想換一種活法兒 ....




You are all my memory ...

Jesteś wszystkie moja wspomnienia

Deszcz na wietrze, wiatr w deszczu
Twój cień migotanie w moim umyśle
Jak deszcz w wietrze nieprzerwy
Albo jak wietrze w padanie deszcz
Nawet wiatr przerywa i deszcz przerywa
Wciąż nie zdolny przerywać obmyślający o ty
Obserwowanie deszcz migotanie, ale nie zdolny widzieć ty
Słuchanie wiatru szumiący, ale nie zdolny słyszeć ty
Oczy nie widzę, uszy nie słuchać
Bo jesteś wszystkie moje wspomnienia

(李泰祥 曲﹐侯德建 詞)

雨在風中 風在雨裡
你的影子 在我腦海搖曳
雨下不停風 風吹不斷雨
風靜雨停 仍揮不去想念的你

看小雨搖曳 看不到你的身影
聽微風低吟 聽不到你的聲音
眼睛不看 耳朵不聽

You are all my memory ...

Rain is in the wind, wind is in the rain
Your figure is flickering in my mind
As it rains in non stop wind, as it blows in un-breaking rain
Even the wind ceases and the rain stops
Still not able to stop thinking of you
Watching the drizzle whiffling, but not able to see you
Listening the wind humming, but not able to hear you
Not seeing, not hearing
Because you are all my memory .....

Z powodu odnalezienia kogoś, więc dryfowanie.
Z powodu kochania kogoś, więc dedykowany.
Z powodu tęsknoty za kimś, więc samotny.
Z powodu pragnienia kogoś, więc torturowani.

夢生夢滅,愛聚愛散,是否真是宇宙的一種定律?年有四季,日有晝夜,誰能違反自然?誰能扭轉坤乾?問世間情為何物?即使是生死相許,結果也是水月鏡花一場,悲傷嗎?哀怨嗎?生既無歡,死亦何苦。於是,一粒充滿了孤寂的浮塵,在喧囂沸沸的人間飄過,在荒野山嶺盪過,在無邊無際的海洋渡過 …… 除了孤獨寂寞,還有甚麼可以添這情感的行囊?


回首難 ...





再回首我心依舊… …
