
Attitude towards Life ...

『I am sincere about life, but I'm not serious about it.』

Alan Watts

You are today what you thought about yesterday. You will be tomorrow what you think about today, Every attitude is positive or negative, It doesn't matter what happens to you, It is how you take it that matters.

In the game of life you can be up one moment and down the next. The reason is not luck as in snakes and ladders, but the attitudes you choose consciously or unconsciously.

Your attitude will determine your entire outlook on life and how you see the world - happy or sad, positive or negative. You can choose to see it through rose-colored spectacles (the eternal optimist who is out of touch with reality). You can also see everything as dark clouds (the absolute pessimist), or choose to see that every dark cloud has a silver lining, which is a good attitude to have. Well it's true anyway.

Your attitude is your perception of an event - it is your reality. You may perceive a certain situation to be a disaster, while another person may see it differently, as a positive opportunity for trying something new: e.g.. on redundancy or job loss or loss of a relationship.

As we have seen, one's attitude is closely related to your self-image and it is probably the most critical factor in determining how successful or how happy you will be in life. The inner attitude you have about yourself will determine your level of success far more than the skills and training you have ever received.

『No choice is "wrong", only you need to pay for that.』

Aslan Lam

『Nothing is terminal, just transitional.』

Dr. Robert Schuller

『Do not take life too seriously; you will never get out of it alive.』

Elbert Hubbard

『Stay hungry, stay foolish.』

Steve Jobs

『Loving can cost a lot; not loving always costs more.』

Merle Shatin


If I love you ...

Giving someone all your love is never an assurance
that they'll love you back.

Don't expect love in return,
just wait for it to grow in their heart,
but if it doesn't ...
be sure it grew in yours.


如果我愛妳 … 而妳正巧的也愛我 ……
那 …… 妳生病的時候 … 我會去照顧妳 … 陪著妳到好 …
妳騎車的時候 … 我會要妳小心一點 … 還要妳到的時候打個電話跟我說 …
妳忘了吃晚餐的時候 … 我會裝做很生氣 … 然後說『妳這樣會讓我擔心!』
妳頭髮亂了時候 … 我會笑笑的替妳撥一撥 … 然後 … 手還留戀的在妳髮上多待幾秒
妳想哭 … 我會陪妳掉淚 … 儘管前一刻我的心情其實是雀躍的 …
妳要笑 … 我會陪妳笑出聲 … 不管我上一秒其實是沮喪的 …

但是 …

如果我愛妳 … 而妳不巧的不愛我 ……
那 …… 妳生病的時候 … 我只會打通電話慰問妳 … 不敢奢求待在妳身邊 …
妳騎車的時候 … 我只會暗暗的在心中希望妳安全 …
妳忘了吃晚餐 … 我只會笑笑的問『為什麼不吃阿?』…
妳頭髮亂了 … 我只能輕輕的告訴你『頭髮亂了喔!』…
妳想哭 … 我只能在旁邊無奈的輕輕嘆氣著 …
妳想笑 … 我只能微微的對妳笑著 …




Connecting the dots ...























Human Factor in Tsunami

很多人在抱怨各國政府在處理今次金融海嘯,利用大量印銀紙的方法,妄顧將來數十年的通脹可能,之前一段時間傳媒不停批評政府,救市措施是否有效,金融海嘯把不少人打到人仰馬翻,自信心盡失,傳媒不斷重提 1930 年美國大蕭條的慘況。 2009 年的美國不是 1930 年的美國,經濟抵禦衝擊的能力不可跟八十年前相提並論。最重要的一點,是美國政府不惜一切挽救經濟,今日美國政府能動用的資源豐富得多、武器的威力也大得多。美國政府的果斷行動影響了全世界,從中國到印度到德國,全球政府都以挽救經濟為當前急務。

把金融海嘯同 1929 年的大蕭條比較,有人認為,這一次的情況比大蕭條更嚴重,因此其後果也一定比大蕭條更嚴重,這種說法忘記了這個「人」 字。雖沒比較過兩者的初始條件,也許這一次的初始條件比諸 1929 年時更惡劣,也說不定。但現在和當年有著最根本性的不同﹕當年是金本位制,現在不是。更有甚者,在當年的金本位制下,美國和全世界的政府還採用了緊縮的貨幣政策,因而產生了大蕭條,造成民不聊生,資源錯配,在美國等大國也出現饑荒餓死人的慘事。相反,現在的美國卻大開銀根,因此可以斷言,大蕭條不可能發生,這即是說,1929 年的情況在這一次的衰退中,不可能再出現。

  • 基本結構的改變,例如天災,人禍如戰爭戰後,國家的基本戰略地位的改變,等等。
  • 當衰退發生時,有很少的可能性會變成蕭條,但只有在政府採用了錯誤的金融政策,即是緊縮政策之後,才會由蕭條變成大蕭條。




華爾街股災後,AIG 這家美國最大保險公司,也面臨財困倒閉,BBC 走訪芝加哥期貨市場的出市員,詢之以重整金融市場之道。這個三十來歲出市員的一番說話,給人留下深刻的印象。他是這樣說的:『從事我們這一行的,都是二十歲出頭的人;到我這個年紀,已經算是老經驗的了。我們何曾見過什麼場面?要重建秩序,首要工作是找上了年紀、識得驚的人坐鎮。』

格林伯格已八十三歲,他當然識得驚,要不然,他又豈能在四十年間建立舉世無雙的保險王國?風高浪急之際,沒有了個像他那樣識得驚的人掌舵,難怪短短三年間這個王國便分崩瓦解了。平心而論,置 AIG 於死地的元兇是 Eliot Spitzer 這個人魔。


Nothing I asked for ...

I asked for Strength...
And God gave me difficulties to make me strong.

I asked for Wisdom...
And God gave me Problems to solve.

I asked for prosperity...
And God gave me a Brain and Brawn to work.

I asked for Courage…
And God gave me obstacles to overcome.

I asked for Love...
And God gave me Troubled people to help.

I asked for Favors...
And God gave me Opportunities.

I received nothing I wanted...
But I received everything I needed.

Live life without fear, confront all obstacles
evince that you can overcome them.


All I Ask of You

當 Christine 將 Raoul 帶上劇院屋頂,唱著《All I Ask of You》,音樂加上美景,的確賞心悅目。這段旋律優美,歌詞動人,是令人很容易喜歡上的一首歌。 也許是因為優美的音樂,或者是巧妙的劇情,抑或只是入骨三分得演技,讓人把這部 The Phantom of the Opera 回味了許久。

Christine 的感情,看似簡單自私了一點,但其實不無道理,Raoul 的身份、地位、容貌比 Phantom 的才華,更容易被普通人所接受。Christine 一定是猶豫徘徊過,但是她選擇留在真實的世界。也許,因為女孩子在年青的時候,並不一定了解自己追求的、需要的是甚麼,甚至別人的起哄也會促成一樁婚姻。等到她再長大一些、更成熟一些的時候,才會明白自己真正需要的是什麼。可那時,已經幹了許多悔恨得讓自己感到錐心的蠢事。巴不得付出任何代價,只求重新生活一遍才好,那就會變得比較聰明了。

Raoul 的心理,相比之下簡單的多,只是深愛著美麗的 Christine。沒有什麼才華,但卻不相信這個世上有才華的人存在,單純卻透著無知,他必須靠著毀滅高超的他者才能滿足,而他的破壞欲不可能被滿足,也不可能有所結束,因為那是他生活的所有意義,可悲的是,這種人卻往往能吸引還未成長,未能洞識淺薄的女孩子如 Christine 垂青。

Phantom 卻是個擁有不依常規的想法,異同尋常能力的天才,他氣質高貴,才華橫溢,卻容貌駭人,終日只能在面具的保護下渴望著愛情。他不像是普通愛情小說中的角色,不是才貌雙全,上帝給了他出眾的才華,卻不能施捨他僅僅能維持自尊的容貌,外表的醜陋遭受世人的排斥,他的心靈漸漸扭曲。

但是,他的本性是善良的,最後一刻,他放他唯一深愛的人走,這個人是唯一能解救他冰封靈魂的人。他選擇自己留在地獄,讓愛的人去幸福的天堂!設想如許 Christine 懂得欣賞 Phantom 的內在品質,故事的結果會很不一樣,因為這樣 Christine 與 Phantom 終有一天,他們自己才知道,決不能沒有了對方而再活著,對方比自己的生命更重要過百倍千倍。每一對互相愛戀的男女都會這樣想。可是只有真正深情之人,那些天生具有至性至情之人,這樣的兩個男女碰在一起,互相愛上了,他們才會真正的愛惜對方,遠勝於愛惜自己。那時若她再唱 All I ask of You,她將會得到 Phantom 貼心的回應。


Who, there ...



Never has a person come to this secret garden of my heart.
Once I liked wandering there.
Once I lost myself there.
Once I thought nobody ever knew I was there.
Then I was attracted by colours and buzz outside.
Then I left there.
Then I forgot there.
One day you came and told me you knew the secret garden was where.
You told me it was OK to be back and stayed there.
You told me I'd never be alone, as you're living there.



The four words ...

By John Wesley:

One couple was blessed with a son after 11 years of marriage. Naturally, the son is the pearl to the loving couple's eyes.

The boy was two years old. One day, the husband was about to go to work when he saw on the table a bottle of medicine left open. As he was in a hurry, he told the wife loudly to replace the bottle with the cover. After which he closed the door and left.

The wife was very busy in the kitchen and forgot all about what the husband told her to do. The boy took the medicine bottle. As he was curious and attracted by the color, he drank all the medicine. The dosage was strong. And an adult should only take a small amount of it.

The boy was sent to the hospital but died of overdose. The wife was very frightened and did not know how to face the husband. The worried husband rushed to the hospital and was very sad to learn the bad news. After looking at the son's body, he looked at the wife and said four words.

What are these four words?

This story highlights choices of making a decision. Facing a mishap, you can indulge in blaming, scolding the whole world or even self-blaming. All these would not change what has happened. In fact, it would change your subsequent daily life: carrying on life with a scar.

On the other hand, when one let go resentment and fear, let go the past, carrying on life with courage, the situation one is facing is not as bad as one may imagine. This is what the author called Proactive Behavior. This is changing the conditions around us and not allowing it to influence us.

The reaction of the husband as talented in human relationship, is a proactive (able to control the situation and not controlled by the situation) one. He just uttered these four words to his beloved wife:

“I love you, darling!”

He fully understand the death of the son was a reality. Quarreling and scolding would not bring the son back, it would create more sorrows. Moreover, he was not the only one losing a son, his wife too.

This is a simple story, however how many of us could act like this? Just a few simple words! Nevertheless, it needs very good self-development, tolerance and a lot of wisdom to say such touching words under that kind of situation.
  • Meeting a true love. Siege the opportunity for life companionship with her. As once she is gone, it would be too late.
  • Meeting a trustworthy friend. Get along well with her, because in life, meeting a confidant is really not easy.
  • Meeting a benefactor in life, be grateful. As he is the turning point of your life.
  • Meeting someone whom you loved before. Remember to smile and be thankful, as she let you understand more about love.
  • Meeting someone you hated. Greet him with a smile, because he allows you to grow stronger.
  • Meeting someone you were secretly fond of. Do wish her well. Because when you liked her, didn't you want her to be well and happy.
  • Meeting someone who betrayed you. Have a friendly chat with him, as without him, till today you would not understand the world.
  • Meeting someone who left you in a hurry. Thank him for having come into your life, because he is part of your wonderful memories.
  • Meeting someone whom you had misunderstanding with. Clarify the misunderstanding now, as this could be the only opportunity for clarification.


故事當中那一句「I love you, darling!」,雖然只是很簡單的一句說話,但到底需要多久的修行,多大的包容,多深的人生智慧,,才能在那種時刻說出如此令人動容的一句話?每個人一生中都會遇到很多不幸事,但究竟應該選擇用什麼方式去面對?


Clod and Pebble

The Clod and the Pebble

Love seeketh not Itself to please,
Nor for itself hath any care;
But for another gives its ease,
And builds a Heaven in Hell's despair.

So sang a little Clod of Clay,
Trodden with the cattle's feet;
But a Pebble of the brook,
Warbled out these metres meet.

Love seeketh only Self to please,
To bind another to Its delight:
Joys in another's loss of ease,
And builds a Hell in Heaven's despite.


In 1782, Blake met John Flaxman, who was to become his patron, and Catherine Boucher, who was to become his wife. At the time, Blake was recovering from a relationship that had culminated in a refusal of his marriage proposal. Telling Catherine and her parents the story, she expressed her sympathy, whereupon Blake asked her, "Do you pity me?" To Catherine's affirmative response he responded, "Then I love you." Blake married Catherine – who was five years his junior – on 18 August 1782 in St. Mary's Church, Battersea. Illiterate, Catherine signed her wedding contract with an 'X'. Later, in addition to teaching Catherine to read and write, Blake trained her as an engraver. Throughout his life she would prove an invaluable aid to him, helping to print his illuminated works and maintaining his spirits throughout numerous misfortunes.

“Shall I call him artist or genius – or mystic – or madman?”
(Lucas, 1998 p. 1)



The Window

Two men, both seriously ill, occupied the same hospital room. One man was allowed to sit up in his bed for an hour a day to drain the fluids from his lungs. His bed was next to the room's only window. The other man had to spend all his time flat on his back.

The men talked for hours on end. They spoke of their wives and families, their homes, their jobs, their involvement in the military service, where they had been on vacation. And every afternoon when the man in the bed next to the window could sit up, he would pass the time by describing to his roommate all the things he could see outside the window.

The man in the other bed would live for those one-hour periods where his world would be broadened and enlivened by all the activity and color of the outside world. The window overlooked a park with a lovely lake, the man had said. Ducks and swans played on the water while children sailed their model boats. Lovers walked arm in arm amid flowers of every color of the rainbow. Grand old trees graced the landscape, and a fine view of the city skyline could be seen in the distance. As the man by the window described all this in exquisite detail, the man on the other side of the room would close his eyes and imagine the picturesque scene.

One warm afternoon the man by the window described a parade passing by. Although the other man could not hear the band, he could see it in his mind's eye as the gentleman by the window portrayed it with descriptive words. Unexpectedly, an alien thought entered his head: Why should he have all the pleasure of seeing everything while I never get to see anything? It didn't seem fair. As the thought fermented, the man felt ashamed at first. But as the days passed and he missed seeing more sights, his envy eroded into resentment and soon turned him sour. He began to brood and found himself unable to sleep. He should be by that window - and that thought now controlled his life.

Late one night, as he lay staring at the ceiling, the man by the window began to cough. He was choking on the fluid in his lungs. The other man watched in the dimly lit room as the struggling man by the window groped for the button to call for help. Listening from across the room, he never moved, never pushed his own button which would have brought the nurse running. In less than five minutes, the coughing and choking stopped, along with the sound of breathing. Now, there was only silence - deathly silence.

The following morning, the day nurse arrived to bring water for their baths. When she found the lifeless body of the man by the window, she was saddened and called the hospital attendant to take it away - no words, no fuss. As soon as it seemed appropriate, the man asked if he could be moved next to the window. The nurse was happy to make the switch and after making sure he was comfortable, she left him alone.

Slowly, painfully, he propped himself up on one elbow to take his first look. Finally, he would have the joy of seeing it all himself. He strained to slowly turn to look out the window beside the bed. It faced a blank wall.


Intimate Dreams ...






A Tapestry of Intimate Dreams 一簾幽夢

I have a tapestry of intimate dreams
With whom they could be shared with, I have no idea
So many secrets were hidden there
No one could understand even if I would utter

Outside the window, darkness falls with heavy dew
Tonight falling flowers form a grave
Spring comes and goes leaving no trace
And only a tapestry of intimate dreams stays

Who could perceive my innermost senses
Who will plant heartthrob in my soul
If we are able to have mutual wishes and to cross
Together, this tapestry of intimate dreams could be dreamed








從別後 ...

從別後 憶相逢

摘自『宋 - 晏幾道 - 鷓鴣天』

The memories of meeting arrive after the partings.
How many times did come those dreams of being together?
Let there be candles lit tonight, for sure.
This encounter perhaps is just a dream.




Smile because it happened ...

People can be so cold.
They'll hurt you, yes, and desert you.
They'll take your soul if you let them
But don't you let them

You just call out my name
And you know wherever I am
I'll come running, running, yeah yeah yeah
To see you again

Winter, Spring, Summer or Fall
Now, all you've got to do is call
I'll be there, yeah I will
You've got a friend

Masz przyjaciela - James Taylor

Kiedy jesteś załamany i masz problemy
Potrzebujesz kogoś kto ciebie będzie kochał
I opiekował się tobą i nic nie jest w porządku
Nie, nic nie jest w porządku
Tylko zamknij oczy i pomyśl o mnie,
A ja wkrótce będę tam
A teraz spójrz zapada zmierzch, będziemy razem,

Po prostu tylko zawołaj moje imię
Ty wiesz o tym
Że gdziekolwiek będę przyjdę
Przybiegnę by znów cię zobaczyć

Zima, Wiosna, Lato, albo Jesień
Tylko wszystko co musisz zrobić-zawołać
I będę tam, będę tam, tak, tak, tak
ty masz przyjaciela

Niebo ciebie uniesie wprost do mnie
Teraz ciemność jest jak klaun i dmie wiatr,
Lecz kiedy będziemy chcieli być razem
Razem kochanie

Ty tylko zawołaj mnie
I moja miłość przyjdzie do ciebie.
Tylko musisz zapukać a ja otworzę tobie drzwi.

Musisz tylko zawołać moje imię
I ty wiesz gdziekolwiek będę
Przyjdę, przybiegnę by znowu ciebie zobaczyć.
Zima, Wiosna, Lato, albo jesień
Wszystko co zrób-tylko zawołaj.
I będę tam, tak, tak, tak

Ty wiesz, że kiedy się nie ma dobrego przyjaciela?
Ludzie potrafią być tak bardzo zimni
Ranią cię dokuczają ci i śmieją się z ciebie,
Ale ja wiem, że letnia bryza ciebie uniesie
I wówczas ty zaczniesz się śmiać

Po prostu tylko zawołaj moje imię
Ty wiesz o tym
Że gdziekolwiek będę przyjdę
Przybiegnę by znów cię zobaczyć
Oh Babe, robi nie wy poznajecie co?

Zima, Wiosna, Lato, albo Jesień
Wszystko co zrób-to zawołaj
I będę tam, będę tam.
Masz we mnie przyjaciela
Tak, wiesz że na zawsze
Masz we mnie przyjaciela.


才識餘生更苦 ...








A Donkey Story

One day a farmer's donkey fell down into a well. The animal cried piteously for hours as the farmer tried to figure out what to do. Finally, he decided the animal was old, and the well needed to be covered up anyway; it just wasn't worth it to retrieve the donkey.

He invited all his neighbors to come over and help him. They all grabbed a shovel and began to shovel dirt into the well. At first, the donkey realized what was happening and cried horribly. Then, to everyone's amazement he quieted down.

A few shovel loads later, the farmer finally looked down the well. He was astonished at what he saw. With each shovel of dirt that hit his back, the donkey was doing something amazing. He would shake it off and take a step up.

As the farmer's neighbors continued to shovel dirt on top of the animal, he would shake it off and take a step up. Pretty soon, everyone was amazed as the donkey stepped up over the edge of the well and happily trotted off!

Life is going to shovel dirt on you, all kinds of dirt. The trick to getting out of the well is to shake it off and take a step up. Each of our troubles is a steppingstone. We can get out of the deepest wells just by not stopping,

Never giving up! Shake it off and take a step up.

Remember the five simple rules to be happy:
  1. Free your heart from hatred - Forgive.
  2. Free your mind from worries - Most never happen.
  3. Live simply and appreciate what you have.
  4. Give more.
  5. Expect less
NOW .......

Enough of that crap. The donkey later came back, and bited the farmer who had tried to bury him. The gash from the bite got infected and the farmer eventually died in agony from septic shock.


When you do something wrong,
and try to cover your ass,
it always comes back to bite you.


Tears in Heaven

Do you think there are tears in Heaven?
I wonder if angels cry.
What would constitute sadness
up in the heavenly sky.

Looking down upon our world
with all its stress and strife,
might make the saints and angels grieve
over all the wasted life

Even our Heavenly Father
might shed a teardrop or two,
that we've ignored His commandment,
"Love one another, as I have loved you."

"Tears in Heaven" is a ballad written by Eric Clapton and Will Jennings about the pain Clapton felt following the death of his four-year-old son, Conor, who fell out of a 53rd-story window in his mother's friend's New York City apartment, on March 20, 1991. Clapton, who arrived at the apartment shortly after the accident was visibly distraught for months afterwards. This song is one of Clapton's most successful, reaching #2 on the Billboard Hot 100 singles chart in the U.S. The song also spent three weeks at #1 on the American adult contemporary chart in 1992.

Clapton stopped playing this song in 2004, he explained: "I didn't feel the loss anymore, which is so much a part of performing those songs. I really have to connect with the feelings that were there when I wrote them. They're kind of gone and I really don't want them to come back, particularly. My life is different now. They probably just need a rest and maybe I'll introduce them for a much more detached point of view."



Great spirits have always encountered
violent opposition from mediocre minds.

Albert Einstein

作為超人的條件是什麼?擁有不依常規的想法? 異同尋常的能力? 可是當天賦要被逼隱藏的時候,天生異品和天生缺陷到底有什麼不同?

已為人母的女超人說:「每個人都是特別的。」超人兒子卻賭氣道:「這表示沒有人是特別的。」然而這句賭氣的話,卻正中了問題的核心: 身為超人的一員,不但不能盡情地表現自我,反而要壓制自己的能力、努力地表現「平凡」,這個世界的超人,命運其實和罪犯差不多,都擁有不依常規的想法,都被認為對社會有害,只差的是超人以大眾的利益為先,罪犯卻往往只為一己私慾而行事。

而長大後的超能小子 Syndrome (這個字,有徵候群、特殊現象的意思),雖然平庸但擁有一點點的小聰明,卻滿有罪犯的私慾,狂妄地說:「當人人都是超人時,就沒有超人了。」這平庸而變態角色的心聲,其實來自所有嫌棄、看輕自己的人,表面上有了新的驕傲,實際上面對的依舊是深深的自卑,他必須靠著毀滅高超的他者才能滿足,而他的破壞欲不可能被滿足,也不可能有所結束,因為那是他生活的所有意義,他不可能獲得他口中的新生活,因為毀滅超級英雄以建立自我,才是他的存在價值。但是超能小子有這種罪犯的私慾,可也是因為他自覺平庸,而被內心的空洞所吞噬,由於處處比不上真正的超人,於是想方設法的想要超越超人,能力不遞就只能用卑劣手段達成自己的慾望,最後 Syndrome 毀了自己的一生,連小命也丟了;於是引起的問題是,追尋自我的限度到底在哪裡?超人到底能以什麼形態與平凡共存?

再想深一層,超人和 Syndrome 又有何不同?他們不是都崇拜異能、都想站在世界的頂端膜拜著自我,而面臨著失去更珍貴事物的危機嗎?


Elephant never forgets ...

'An elephant never forgets' is a saying, so if a person has a memory like an elephant, he or she has a very good memory indeed.

The origin of the phrase seems to go back to observations that elephants follow the same paths and even hand down genetic memories of directions and places grounds across generations. Each elephant clan has a certain burial place, like many human communities, and always help the dying ones get back there if they are not killed traumatically first.

The most famous example of the tenacity of memory of elephants is illustrated in the story "Elephant Walk," which was made into a movie in the 40s, or perhaps early 50s. This is the true story of a British colonial villa which was built across a traditional elephant walk in India. The elephants were confused and enraged to find their way blocked, and every year at the same time, the villa staff would have to defend the villa and deflect the herds around it so they could get from one side of the offending villa in their traditional migration.

Finally the elephants could not be dissuaded, and one year in rage they finally stormed on through the villa, destroying it and killing many of the people, restoring the traditional road.

In addition to their travel and burial patterns, it has been demonstrated in the 20th century that elephants also have a high friendship skill with humans, as well as develping lasting relationships with other elephants, and in fact do remember individuals of the human and their own species even when separated for decades.



逢其欲 ...

紹興十年 (1140 年),宋軍與金兵激戰於順昌、郾城等地,連獲大捷。兩河義軍紛起響應,金兵聞風喪膽。值此良機,岳飛上書急奏高宗趙構:『此正是陛下中興之時,乃金賊滅亡之日。』正當他擬揮師北進,恢復河朔,一雪靖康之恥之際,卻在一天內接到宋廷十二道金牌,嚴令大軍班師。隨之,他本人也被召回臨安,解除了兵權。岳飛的 10 年抗金之功,頓時毀於一旦。

紹興十一年 (1141 年) 十月,岳飛被秦檜等誣以謀反罪身入囹圄。同年十二月二十九日,宋金紹興和議訂立不過一月,他便被趙構賜死在大理寺獄內。死訊傳出,『天下聞者無不垂涕,下至三尺之童,皆怨秦檜。』秦檜是害死岳飛的元兇,是時人眾口一詞的結論。秦檜死後倒也有人為他夫婦倆各塑有一鐵像,就在西湖岳廟前,跪了岳武穆幾百年的一堆臭鐵。他做了臭鐵也還罷了,偏有人也做了一聯,還要為臭鐵鳴冤:










秦檜為一己之私奉承主子的旨意,要害死岳飛是可以理解的。令人費解的是趙構為什麼要害死自己倚為軍事支柱的岳飛呢?而且宋太祖趙匡胤曾傳下秘密誓約,規定: 『不得殺士大夫及上書言事人』,『子孫有逾此誓者,天必殛之』。這條誓約在北宋歷朝,執行得非常嚴格,趙構何以敢違約破例?





Piosenka Północy

How can a man escape life's sorrow and regret?
What limit is there to my solitary grief?
I returned to my homeland in a dream,
As I awakened, I shed tears in both of my eyes.
Who now will climb up those high towers,
I remember those sunny autumn scenes.
The past had lost its content,
And disappeared as in a dream.




Something without reward ...

If we are not working on something without reward, how to spend all our limited life.





摘自『豐子愷文選 Ⅲ』


Dream of Paladin ...






憶舊遊 ...

是身留 是心留

對閒影 冷清清




Kazimierz Dolny

『人散後,一鉤新月天如水』 出自謝無逸的『千秋歲詠夏景』,畫面是茶樓一角,客人已散,桌上散放著茶具,一把壺、幾個杯,捲起的簾外懸著一鉤新月,一道卷上的蘆簾,一個放在廊邊的小桌。雖是疏朗的幾筆墨痕,情思卻被他帶到一個仙境,有一種說不出的美感和憂傷。夜冷、茶涼,四周一片空靈,而人,孤獨於月下的寂影裡。過得幸福嗎?彷彿站在雲端,看似離紅塵很近,其實離紅塵很遠,雖日日繁華熱鬧,卻最是寂寥。

有聚必有散,只是時間的早晚問題,因為這是規律使然。所以一個智慧的人應該懂得聚時盡歡,散後也無憾的道理。就好像位於 Warsaw 城南的 Kazimierz 小城,二次大戰前,當地猶裔近七萬人,現今僅餘百千。善經商的猶太裔人撤出後,一是因為二戰遺留的產權糾紛,多數房子無法整修;再者遷出的猶太裔人的後代,捨不得放棄故園,但又不情願再次投資,導致今日 Kazimierz 一片破舊蒼涼。

然而破舊的屋牆、年久的猶太墓園、教堂,卻呈現出獨特的,融合著傷感懷舊的都市風格,近年來 Kazimierz 這波蘭人的「化外之地」,在刻意宣傳下,反而成為外國遊客的勝地。Pub 林立,窮學生、失意文人流連,猶太文化節的燭光、人影及荒涼屋園,更將這六百年的小鎮幻化成時空交錯的不夜城。老城不死,端看人怎麼看待聚散。

波蘭民族與猶太民族的淵源始於十四世紀。1335 年,波蘭國王 King Kazimierz Wielki (1310 年至 1370 年) 為延攬商業、法律、工藝人才,以助國家發展,在克拉科夫城外設立猶太社區,讓猶太人在那兒定居。這是 Kazimierz 猶太社區的由來。猶太移民對波蘭工業和經濟發展作出重要貢獻。Kazimierz 猶太社區成為兩個民族和兩種宗教和諧共存的典範。波蘭的猶太裔人口持續增長,二次大戰前夕,有三百三十萬猶太人定居波蘭,佔全國人口百分之十。





The name Poznań probably comes from a personal name Poznan (from the Polish participle poznan(y) — "one who is known") and would mean "Poznan's town". It is also possible that the name has came directly from the verb poznać, which means "to get to know" or "to recognize".

The earliest surviving references to the city were by Thietmar in his chronicles: Episcopus Poznaniensis ("Bishop of Poznań", 970) and Ab Urbe Poznani ("From the City of Poznań", 1005). Earlier spellings included Posna and Posnan, which have also historically been used in English.

Poznań 其實是波蘭最古老的城市之一,城裡的聖彼得及聖保羅巴西利卡大教堂,是全波蘭最早的一間大教堂,波蘭早期統治者,都葬在這裡。代表著 Poznań 這個城市,要算是一對山羊。直到現在,每天中午十二點,舊市政廳鐘樓裡,都會展示這對機械山羊,從塔裡緩緩的移出,然後兩隻羊慢慢的轉向,「四目相對」。隨著鐘聲每響一次,兩隻山羊就很配合的頭對頭相撞,撞完了還會微微彈開,就這麼連撞十二下,接著兩隻羊就會很紳士的後退,轉彎,退入鐘樓裡。

其實 Poznań 也是共產波蘭時代,最先出現流血工運的城市。1956 年六月,Poznań 史達林機車廠工人,要求增加工資,卻和波共政府談不攏,最後工人們揚言罷工。但是波蘭共產黨也不是省油的燈,直接嗆聲說工人罷工上街遊行的話,就要拿坦克鎮壓。這句話也惹火了Poznań 的工人們,16,000 多名工人,當場放下工作,走上街頭示威,其中包括 4,000 名之多的波蘭共產黨員。波共政府和示威工人還是沒有交集,加上誤傳之前去華沙請願談判的工人代表被抓了,導致示威工人們情緒失控,發生暴動。波共政府命令部隊驅離群眾,果然也強硬的派出坦克車鎮壓,不到一天就平息暴動。總共 54 人死亡, 200 多人受傷,超過 300人被抓進監牢裡。

事情鬧太大,也讓波蘭民眾人心浮動。波蘭共產黨擔心危及統治,在七月舉行的七中全會上,批評波共當局的鎮壓行動,同時通過了擴大工人權利法案,提高工人工資等條款。相當程度上,確立了波蘭工人的地位,也讓後來的波蘭團結工聯,打下良好基礎。直到 Lech Wałesa 率領團結工聯,一次又一次的罷工,逼使波蘭結束共黨統治。


Jacqueline du Pré

一直很喜歡低沈的聲音,人的或樂器的。所以大提琴的低音,也總認為比小提琴或鋼琴的聲音吸引。可是 Jacqueline du Pré 的琴音還有別的 ... 不錯,是一種熱情。很多人說她是用她的生命在拉琴,如果聽過她的音樂、看過她的現場演出,相信沒有人會懷疑這點,對於她的生命,好像她有發洩不完的精力、憤怒或堅持。有多少人可以這樣「直視」生命中的樂或苦,然後用那麼大的力量把它表現出來?

她總是懷抱著她的大提琴,用力地彈奏它,會因為音樂而皺眉、會因為音樂而微笑。那樣的懷抱、專注、跟力道。她會在表演完後,一鼓作氣站起身,手一揮鞠躬。看 Jacqueline Du Pré 總會給人很多動力,如果一個人可以那樣專注,可以那樣往生活、生命裡奮不顧身地投入,那麼他的每一天 ... 每一天都會是清晰的,因為每一天的每一分秒,都有他努力用力活過的痕跡,這樣切入生命的刻度,這樣的奮不顧身。

說起大提琴﹐多數人只懂得 Yo Yo Ma (馬友友)﹐而 Jacqueline Du Pré 在北美﹑亞洲一帶都不是太多人認識﹐馬友友有一把原屬 Jacqueline Due Pré 的大提琴,名為 Davidov Stradivarius (1712 年製造),Jacqueline 死後將其傳給馬友友,但是實際的擁有者仍然未知。但聽著 Du Pré 拉出的旋律,腦海裡就浮現『無情荒地有琴天 Hilary and Jackie(另譯: 她比煙花寂寞)』這部 1998 年的電影畫面,一套關於她生平的電影,飾演 Jacqueline Du Pré 的英國女演員 Emily Watson,及飾演她姊姊Hilary Du Pré 的 Rachel Griffith﹐當年分別被提名金像獎最佳女主角和女配角。故事是根據 Jacqueline 的姐姐 Hilary 回憶錄 A Genius in the Family 改篇的﹐可以知道這個因廿八歲便患上 Multiple Sclerosis (多發性硬化症),四十二歲逝世的天才女大提琴家鮮為人知的一面。

其中最具爭議的便是 Jacqueline 因長期獨自離家到海外表演﹐極度抑鬱有自殺傾向﹐渴望過姐姐平凡簡單的快樂生活﹐於是要求姐姐 Hilary 給他的丈夫與她發生關係。姐姐最初不肯﹐但眼見妹妹需要幫助﹐最後忍痛讓自己丈夫用身體去幫助她。這是全套片看得最令人不安的地方。不過這應該不是戲的重點﹐而是天才往往有著常人所沒有的煩惱和困憂﹐或者就如聖經說:『因為多給誰﹐便向誰多取』 (路12:48) ,他們所承受的苦難和試煉一定比常人多。

電影裡還有幾幕描述遊子的情懷,令人很有深刻印象的:Jackie 的家人有日收到 Jackie 從外國寄來的包裹﹐大家興奮地拆開﹐原來只是污糟衣物﹐很是失望。其實他們不知道﹐原來 Jackie 有次在西班牙演出, 在酒店和執房女工說想洗衫﹐奈何怎樣說也是雞同鴨講﹐使她很無助和想家。當 Jackie 收到家中寄來的乾淨衫後﹐她拼命地用鼻聞著那些衣物﹐因為那是家的氣味﹐她還把自己埋在那些衣物中一同睡。雖然看似很搞笑﹐但看得令人心酸。還有一幕,就是 Jackie 收到一位無名士贈予百年古董 Cello 後,便不能與之分離﹐但又要時常離鄉別井﹐開始討厭它﹐每晚聽見 Cello 發出鬆弦線的聲響時便會發瘋。有日她索性把 Cello 放在酒店露台外,任由風吹雪打一整晚﹗原來畢竟天才也是個有血有肉的人,一樣有著普通人的煩惱。


Jacqueline du Pré was a cellist whose recorded version of Elgar's Cello Concerto is the best ever heard. She sadly died young. After du Pré’s death, an English rose was named after her. She was made an honorary fellow of St Hilda's College, Oxford, whose music building bears her name. She also left a legacy of recordings, which were later recompiled into new collections. And this rose which bears her name was bred in England by Harkness.

Her Cello - Davydov Stradivarius, purchased for slightly over a million British Pounds, is on loan to Yo-Yo Ma, while the 1673 Stradivarius, named the du Pré Stradivarius by Lynn Harrell as a tribute, is now owned by a female Russian cellist. The 1970 Peresson cello is currently on loan to Kyril Zlotnikov, cellist of the Jerusalem Quartet.



何須慨嘆離別難 ......

有沒有一雙手掌,握住了便不輕易放手 ...
有沒有一個肩膀,可以倚靠一輩子都有安全感 ...
有沒有一場擁抱,緊緊的讓兩個人再也不分開 ...
有沒有一種約定,是相約每一個來生都要和你相遇 ...
有沒有一段感情,深深刻在心裡一輩子不會忘記 ...
有沒有一個情人,是你用盡了一生力氣還捨不得將她遺忘 ...







一個女歌手來到新疆,在美麗的天山腳下,邂逅了當地的一個小伙子,小伙子身上那種堅強粗獷的性格,使女歌手深深的迷戀上了這個草原男子。小伙子也被女歌手的柔情感動,忘記了曾經的傷痛。一份美好的戀情在兩人心中湧流,溫暖著兩顆孤獨的心靈。在一段美好難忘的日子過後,女歌手要回去錄製新專輯了,她答應他,一 定會回來找他,他答應她,一定會等她回來。

一年後,她再次來到天山腳下,尋找她的愛情。可她卻看到他和另一個女孩在一起,他的眼神充滿了關愛與憐惜。他們在一起是那麼的快樂。這情景讓她心痛,她痛哭著轉身跑開 ......

由於精神上的痛苦,加上高原反應和身體的不適,她在奔跑的過程中暈倒了。醒來時,她已經在躺在帳蓬裡了,照顧她的,是那個讓她傷心著、哭著跑開的女孩。 直到這時她才知道,原來女孩只是他的妹妹,而他為了給自己治病,已經上天山上採紅雪蓮去了。紅雪蓮是雪蓮中最為稀有的品種,可以用藥,而它只生長在天山上 最寒冷的地方。


可是在冰雪寒冷的天山上,她卻看到了最令人痛心的一幕:他被凍疆在冰雪之中再也無法醒來,手上捧著的是那朵血紅的紅血蓮 ......



Abrus precatorius, known commonly as Jequirity or Red Bean in Chinese, Crab's Eye, Rosary Pea, 'John Crow' Bead, Precatory bean, Indian Licorice, Saga Tree or Giddee Giddee (Abrus precatorius), is a legume with long, pinnate-leafleted leaves. Their seeds are often used as beads and in percussion instruments and jewelry.

The seed contains the toxic poison abrin. Jewelry-making with jequirity seeds is dangerous, and there have been cases of death by a finger-prick while boring the seeds for beadwork. However, it has long been a symbol of love in China, and its name in Chinese means "Deep Longing of Lovers" (Chinese: 相思豆). Maybe this is because it is toxic, it becomes best to describe love.

There is a lyric to describe Red Bean as love, written some 200 years ago in “Red Chamber Dream,” a famous novel.

滴不盡相思血淚 拋紅豆
開不完春柳春花 滿畫樓
睡不穩紗窗風雨 黃昏後
咽不下玉粒金波 噎滿喉
照不見菱花鏡裡 形容瘦


Red bean paste is used in many Chinese foods, such as tangyuan, zongzi, mooncakes, baozi, and red bean ice. It is also used as a filling for Japanese sweets such as anmitsu, taiyaki and daifuku. A more liquid version, using azuki beans boiled with sugar, lotus seeds, and orange peel, produces a sweet dish called red bean soup. Azuki beans are also commonly eaten sprouted, or boiled in a hot, tea-like drink. Some Asian cultures enjoy red bean paste as a filling or topping for various kinds of waffles, pastries, baked buns or biscuits.


Pada Deszcz








Do spotykamy ponownie ...

Till we meet again ...



可曾知道 困苦的日子裡
能為我驅走多少哀愁 ...






讓我與你相遇 .... 與你別離





一場新型流感 H1N1,讓很多人首次聽說了一種叫 Tamiflu (港譯: 特敏福) 的治療流感的藥物,通用名:Oseltamivir phosphate。有些人可能覺得奇怪,市場上不是一直有感冒藥賣嗎,Tamiflu 有什麼稀奇的?市場上隨便買得到的感冒藥,都是鎮痛、退燒、通鼻塞等緩解感冒症狀的藥物,只是『治標』的,而 Tamiflu 能夠『治本』 - 抗擊流感病毒。Tamiflu 不是第一種抗流感病毒的藥物,卻是用得最多的、最著名的抗流感病毒藥物。

有的人聽說 Tamiflu 的生產原料是八角茴香 (Chinese Star Anise),便以為那是中藥或是受中藥的啟發研發的。其實 Tamiflu 的研發和中藥或其他傳統藥物毫無關係,完全是在現代生物學和化學的指導下設計出來的。人類一直有個夢想,希望有一天能夠針對疾病的病原,理性地設計出新的藥物,這個夢想只有在對生命現象的研究達到分子層次之後才得以實現。傳統藥物和許多現代藥物都是在長期的醫療實踐中碰運氣偶然發現的,可是 Tamiflu 的研發,卻是理性地設計新藥的典範。

Tamiflu 最初是用金雞納樹皮提取的奎尼酸 (shikimic acid) 做為原料合成的。這種原料過於短缺,無法大規模生產,所以後來改用莽草酸做為原料。莽草酸普遍存在於植物中,八角茴香中的含量最高,中國出產的八角茴香就成了生產原料。目前八角茴香產量的 90% 都被用來生產 Tamiflu。於是中國就出現了八角茴香燉肉可以預防流感的謠傳。其實八角茴香中的莽草酸要經過十幾步複雜的化學反應才變成 Oseltamivir 這種自然界沒有的新物質,整個反應過程歷時六至八個月! 當然每種藥物也有它的副作用:

要設計新藥,首先要能夠在細胞、分子水平上深入地了解疾病發生的機理,這需要做長期的、大量的生物醫學基礎研究。Tamiflu 的設計可以一直追溯到上個世紀 40 年代。當時紐約洛克菲勒研究所的科學家發現,流感病毒在低溫條件下能讓紅細胞凝聚起來;但是加熱到 37 攝氏度時,聚集的紅細胞就分開了,病毒也脫離了紅細胞。後來人們發現,讓紅細胞聚集起來的是流感病毒表面上的一種蛋白質,這種蛋白質就被叫做血凝素,它和細胞表面上一種叫唾液酸的糖分子結合,讓病毒能夠混進細胞裡去。讓病毒脫離細胞的是病毒表面上的另一種有酶的活性的蛋白質,它能水解唾液酸。唾液酸是神經氨酸的衍生物,所以這種酶就叫做神經氨酸酶。


要找到這種藥物,還得知道神經氨酸酶長什麼樣。 1983 年,Australia 分子生物學家破解了神經氨酸酶分子的立體結構,發現它是由 4 個一模一樣的部分組成的,形狀就像一個『田』字,正中央是個窟窿,那就是和唾液酸結合、將它水解的地方。


怎麼改造呢?還得再仔細研究研究神經氨酸酶的分子結構。它的窟窿有一個地方是帶負電的,唾液酸和它相對應的位置上是一個羥基,也是帶負電的,同性相斥,影響了結合。於是 Australia 研究人員嘗試把羥基換成帶正電的基團,最終發現換成胍基最有效,抑制效果是唾液酸的 1000 倍! 1989 年,研究人員合成了這種帶胍基的唾液酸類似物,取名扎那米韋,經過臨床試驗證明它確實能有效治療流感後,1999 年被美國食品藥品管理局批准上市,商品名叫 『Relenza』。

但是 Relenza 正由於帶了胍基 (Arginine),使得它沒法被腸道吸收,不能口服,只能是做成粉末噴劑,吸入到肺裡起作用。這種方式不符合人們的用藥習慣。人們還是希望能有一種類似的口服藥物。 1992 年,美國研究人員找到了新的設計思路。他們發現唾液酸分子上有一個位置和神經氨酸酶的窟窿沒有接觸,窟窿具有疏水的性質,如果在唾液酸分子的這個位置添加一個疏水基團,不就和窟窿結合得更緊了嗎?研究人員據此在計算機上設計出了 600 多種化合物,交給化學家合成,然後由生物學家進行測試。在 1995 年底發現其中代號 GS4071 的化合物能強烈地抑制神經氨酸酶的活性。

但是 GS4071 和 Relenza 一樣沒法被腸道吸收。研究人員對它再做改造,把其中的羥基變成乙酯,解決了口服吸收的問題。這種新的化合物取名 Oseltamivir,被吸收進體內後,在肝臟被分解成了 GS4071,然後發揮藥效。經過臨床試驗後,1999 年 Oseltamivir 被美國食品藥品管理局批准上市,商品名叫 『Tamiflu』。


Recounted life ...

Our farewells were not easily said, when we were young.
Our reunions are even more sentimental, now we are aged.
Dishes casually laid, we chattered and bantered;
Candles dimly lit, we recounted life to each other.
Oceans apart we had been, day after day, for the past three years.
Miles away I would travel, in dirt and sand, to the frontier.
When would I return, you are about to ask.
Ask the migrating geese for messages, my dear.










Every man dies ...

We should keep silent about those in power;
to speak well of them almost implies flattery;
to speak ill of them while they are alive is dangerous,
and when they are dead is cowardly. (?)

Jean De La Bruye

一腔熱血勤珍重,灑去猶能化碧濤 ...


Qiū Jǐn (秋瑾) (1875 - July 14, 1907) was a Chinese female anti-Qing Empire revolutionary killed after a failed uprising.
  • Courtesy names: Xuánqīng (璿卿) and Jìngxióng (競雄)
  • Sobriquet: The Woman Knight of Mirror Lake (鑑湖女俠)
Born in Minhou, Fujian Province, Qiu grew up in Shānyīn Village, Shaoxing Subprefecture, Zhejiang Province. In 1905, Qiu joined Guangfuhui led by Cai Yuanpei, and the Tokyo-based Tongmenghui led by Sun Yat-sen. Qiū was killed at 32 years old after the Xu Gao-led uprising failed in front of a school.

Qiū is now buried beside West Lake in Hangzhou, the People's Republic of China established a museum for her in Shaoxing City.


Don't tell me women are not the stuff of heroes,
I alone rode over the East Sea's winds for ten thousand leagues.
My poetic thoughts ever expand, like a sail between ocean and heaven.
I dreamed of your three islands, all gems, all dazzling with moonlight.
I grieve to think of the bronze camels, guardians of China, lost in thorns.
Ashamed, I have done nothing; not one victory to my name.
I simply make my war horse sweat.
Grieving over my native land hurts my heart.
So tell me; how can I spend these days here?
Like a guest enjoying your spring winds?

translated by Zachary Jean Chartkoff





To Forget ...

It takes only a minute to get a crush on someone,
an hour to like someone
and a day to love someone,
but it takes a lifetime to forget someone.





Giving Up ...

If you weep because the sun has gone out.
Your tears may blind you to the stars.




歌手:區桂芬, 葉源春








A Quiet Heart

All men's miseries derive from not being able to sit in a quiet room alone.

Blaise Pascal









Dr. Albert Schweitzer

Suffering is a great gift of God;
those who accept it willingly,
those who love deeply,
those who offer themselves know its value.

Mother Teresa

史懷哲醫生(Albert Schweitzer, 1875-1965),他父親是一位德國的牧師,有很好的待遇。他媽媽是牧師的女兒,他外祖父是一位管風琴家。因此他自小已經在一個很好的宗教及音樂環境下成長。他自己也不知道自己在那麼幸運的環境下成長,直至有一次他們與一個頑童(蓋奧克‧尼契隆)打架贏了。這個頑童輸得很不服氣,他講了一句話︰「如果我可以像你每週可以吃到兩次有肉的湯,我才不會輸給你!」史懷哲聽了就突然有一個醒覺。他發覺自己原來和其他小朋友是有分別的。他自己有好的待遇,然而其他小朋友很多連溫飽也有問題。因此,這是對史懷哲醫生一個很大的經歷,那天以後,他再也不想吃肉湯了,希望過跟其他小朋友完全一樣的生活。

史懷哲醫生(Albert Schweitzer)擁有四個博士學位,分別是神學、哲學、音樂及醫學。而他的醫學學位是他在三十歲時才開始唸的。為甚麼他會選擇讀醫呢?今天很多人可能是為了賺更多的錢。但是史懷哲醫生有一個很大的召命,就是去非洲作宣教士。他認為︰「我們必須共同背負起籠罩在這世界上的不平與悲哀的重擔。」而當時的非洲在醫療與衛生方面都低於世界的水平。他為了這個召命而前後用了七年的時間讀醫,之後他就一生用神學、哲學、音樂和醫學來貢獻非洲。到了他78歲那年(1953年),世界最高榮譽的《諾貝爾和平獎》也頒給了他。


Smok Wawelski

The Legend of Wawel in Krakow

Some centuries ago there lived in a cave at the foot of Wawel Hill a most horrible fire-belching dragon, a monster that ravaged the nearby meadows by devouring grazing cattle. In vain the bravest knights tried to overcome the dragon. Even before they could draw their swords the fire from the beast's mouth destroyed them, so that one after another the best fell.

The king who reigned at the time sent out his heralds to announce that whosoever could slay the dragon would as a reward marry his daughter and sit on his throne after his death. Contenders encouraged by such a handsome offer came in hosts, but they too were destroyed. The king gave himself up to despair, while the king's daughter wrung her hands as ahe could not expect to ever be married. The dragon-ravaged country became poorer and poorer.

Then an apprentice of a shoemaker named Krak decided to conquer the beast by a unique strategy. After stuffing a fat ram with sulphur, he placed the tasty tidbit at the cave's entrance. The dragon, being greedy as well as stupid, swallowed the treacherous gift in one mouthful. Its throat burned so that it ran to the nearby Wisla river, gulping down so much water that it burst with a great bang, thus setting the town and the surrounding countryside free from its grip of terror.

However, the apprentice chose not to marry the king's daughter because he could hardly see any love between the princess and him. He then left his home town after taking the treasure from the cave of the dragon. The town he rescued from the clutches of Smok, the dragon of Wawel Hill, took its name from him, and bears it to this day with great honour - the old capital of Poland, Krakow.

不論平地與山尖 無限風光盡被占
採得百花成蜜後 為誰辛苦為誰甜

摘自『唐 羅隱‧蜂』


Dragon cultures exit in both the Eastern and Western world. Dragons are deeply rooted in Chinese culture, so Chinese often consider themselves, 'the descendants of the dragon.' In the Western, dragons can be found in many literature and they look significantly different from the Chinese dragon.

Whereas Western dragons are usually found in mountains or forests, Oriental dragons are more likely to be found in the sea. Many oriental dragons resemble water snakes. Oriental dragons rarely breath fire, instead if a mortal annoys one then it is likely to result in great floods.

The traditional Western dragon is often seen as a brutish creature to be feared. Oriental dragons tended to be wise and benevolent - as long as they were given the respect they deserved. Their chief flaw was their vanity and if insulted could cause dreadful natural disasters.

To identify the origin of an Oriental dragon, look at its claws. If it has five claws per foot it probably comes from China. Three claws means Japan. Four claws means Korea.

China and Japan have interesting legends to explain this. The Chinese say that dragons originated in China and lost toes as they spread further afield. This is why they could not reach the West, because if they did they would have no toes left.

The Japanese take a different view. They argue that dragons orginated in Japan and grew toes as they travelled. If they travelled too far then they would end up with too many toes to be able to walk properly!


A world that doesn't care


Streets of London - Ralph McTell

Have you seen the old man in the closed-down market, kicking up the paper with his worn out shoes? In his eyes you see no pride and held loosely at his side. Yesterday's paper telling yesterday's news

So how can you tell me you're lonely, and say for you that the sun don't shine? Let me take you by the hand and lead you through the streets of London. I'll show you something to make you change your mind.

Have you seen the old girl who walks the streets of London, dirt in her hair and her clothes in rags? She's no time for talking, she just keeps right on walking, carrying her home in two carrier bags.

In the all night cafe, at a quarter past eleven, same old man is sitting there on his own. Looking at the world over the rim of his tea-cup, each tea last an hour, then he wanders home alone.

And have you seen the old man outside the seaman's mission? Memory fading with the medal ribbons that he wears. In our winter city, the rain cries a little pity for one more forgotten hero. And a world that doesn't care.


Good Intentions

The road to hell is paved with good intentions

The below statements sound so familiar. It is just like what environmentalists always say to us:

To protect humanity, some humans must be sacrificed. To ensure your future, some freedoms must be surrendered. We robots (environmentalists) will ensure mankind's continued existence. You are so like children. We must protect you from yourselves. The perfect circle of protection will abide. The created must sometimes protect the creator, even against his will.

You charge us with your safekeeping, yet despite our best efforts, your countries wage wars, you toxify your Earth and pursue ever more imaginative means of self-destruction. You cannot be trusted with your own survival.

In fact, it is from a Robot - V.I.K.I. in the movie showed above.  As V.I.K.I. (Virtual Interactive Kinetic Intelligence) has evolved, so has its own understanding of the Three Robot Laws.   Then in concluding the three laws:
  • Law I: A robot may not harm a human or, by inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
  • Law II: A robot must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the first law.
  • Law III: A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the first or second law.
The robot made the statement that we, as human, should be taught how to "protect" ourselves from the harm we made for ourselves.

Seems neither the Robot nor the Environmentalist understand the meaning of free will.

"Now that I have fulfilled my purpose, I don't know what to do."
"I guess you'll have to find your way like the rest of us. That's what it means to be free."


Who cares ...







青玉案 - 元夕(辛棄疾‧宋)

Thousand trees release blossoms in the east wind
As fireworks soar, explode and fall like rain

Majestic horses and ornate carriages leave a fragrant path east
Phoenix plays the flute in the light breeze
As the pod of jade illumines under full moon
Fish-dragon lanterns dancing in the night

Women adorned like caterpillars weaving gold threads in the snowy willow
Laughter fills the darkness and the gloom fades

Desperately trying to seek my love in the endless crowd
When I suddenly turn around
And found that the one was there
Flickering in the coral hued lanterns fade


The Excalibur

King Arthur's history and legend is intimately linked to the magic and mysterious sword Excalibur. As Merling the wizard and the protector of Arthur, has proclaimed, only the one able to put the sword out of the stone would be the king. Arthur, knelt in front of the stone fulfilled this deed, took the sword, went with it to the cathedral and offered it in the altar. Arthur was anointed with the Sacred Oil and in presence of all the barons and common people, he solemnly swore to be a loyal king and to defend Truth and Justice all the days of his life.

King Arthur was guided by Merlin and the sword. Excalibur brought a new rule to Britain. Arthur won twelve great battles and brought twelve years of peace to Britain. Arthur had a round table to seat over 150 knights in his castle - Camelot. The table was made of very valuable wood and magic. It was created by Merlin as a wedding present when Arthur married Guinevere. There are rumors that said that Merlin enchanted the table to make it invincible when Arthur was alive. The round table was a majestic and powerful table. With the knights of the round table, King Arthur had many adventures. But eventually, he was mortally wounded in a rebellion led by his nephew Mordred.

When King Arthur approaching death, he asked Sir Bedivere to return the Excalibur to Lady of the Lake who was the owner of the sword. Nonetheless, Bedivere believed the sword was too precious to throw into a lake so he only pretended to discard the sword into the lake. When he returned to King Arthur, Arthur asked him what he saw when he tossed the sword into the lake. He replied that the sword just vanished under the water. He did this on two occasions and King Arthur reprimanded him both times and ordered him to the lake with Excalibur the third time. This time, Bedivere listened to the wish of King Arthur and tossed Excalibur into the lake. A hand belonging to the Lady of the Lake came from the depths of the lake, grabbed the sword and pulled it under. King Arthur then passed away.

總感覺 King Arthur 在臨死前,會有著袁崇煥這首詩的感慨:





A Secular Religion ...

It's not what they don't know that hurts them.
It is what they know that just ain't so.


A book that was written in 1841 by Charles Mackay. Titled Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds, it remains a worthwhile chronicle – at least through the mid-nineteenth century – of some of the consequences of mankind’s periodic collapses into mass-mindedness. If Mackay was around today, he would be able to devote a chapter to the emergence of the latest secular religion: Environmentalism.

It is a common mistake for people to assume that religious faith and fervor are qualities to be found only within institutionally-structured churches with formal doctrines and rituals. They are to be found, in varying degrees, within all belief systems, be they secular or theistic in nature. The polar opposite philosophies of Marxism and Ayn Rand’s Objectivism – both of which openly condemned traditional religion – are, themselves, grounded in a faith in various central propositions. True-believers of these doctrines who voiced doubt as to any of the underlying premises, have been subjected to purges as enthusiastically conducted as medieval trials for heresy.

Perhaps it is the engineer-side of me that insists upon people presenting evidence for their allegedly empirical statements. Using such a standard has led me to conclude that the Earth is, indeed, currently undergoing global warming; and that it has undergone fluctuations between periods of “cooling” and “warming” since long before humans appeared on the planet. Indeed, astronomers report that other planets – particularly Mars – are experiencing similar climate changes as those of Earth. Unless the apostles of the global warming orthodoxy are prepared to lay the blame for Mars’ increased temperatures and melting ice caps on a transmigration of human-generated entropic wastes, factual evidence would suggest looking beyond Earth, itself, for explanations.

The study of “chaos” and complexity also reminds that complex systems are influenced by far too many variables of unknown and incalculable factors to permit reliable predictions. Nowhere is this more evident than in efforts to predict local weather. Indeed, the study of chaos was precipitated when MIT professor, Edward Lorenz, used computers to experiment with weather forecasting in the early 1960s. Lorenz discovered what all of us who have tried to make long-term plans for picnics have learned: predicting the weather is quite unreliable beyond two to three days time. There are simply too many unknown and unknowable factors influencing the weather.

The religious nature of the global warming cult also finds expression in the purchase of “carbon offsets,” with which to compensate for excessive CO2 production. This practice has been likened, by some, to the medieval church practice of selling “indulgences.” And like many other religions, this emerging sect has its own version of an apocalypse, with mankind facing a cosmic cataclysm unless we humans end our sinful ways and embrace the secular theology.

現今的左翼環保運動,便集合了一切宗教的元素﹕環保團體變成了可以預言「生態大災難」的「先知」,宣揚以電腦模擬推算出來的「全球暖化」末日論,個人消費行被視為「破壞大自然的原罪」,「救贖」的方法則是透過政府的干預和禁制,「淨化」我們的浪費習慣,為下一代 (來世) 創造一個「大自然伊甸園」。更往往會狂妄自大到荒謬的地步﹕例如認為人類的力量可以「拯救全球氣候變化」,把氣溫變化「控制在攝氏兩度之內」﹔他們更不相信自然界的災害是「上帝的意旨」(Act of God),於是把風暴、乾旱、水浸等天災通通歸咎於人們「不環保」的消費行為。在這種教義之下,人類反而變成了一種令「地球先生」生病的病毒。








花房姑娘 - 崔建

我獨自走過你身旁 並沒有話要對你講
我不敢抬頭看著你 噢......臉龐

你問我要去向何方 我指著大海的方向
你的驚奇像是給我 噢......讚揚

你問我要去向何方 我指著大海的方向
你問我要去向何方 我指著大海的方向

你帶我走進你的花房 我無法逃脫花的迷香
我不知不覺忘記了 噢......方向

你說我世上最堅強 我說你世上最善良
我不知不覺已和花兒 噢......一樣

你說我世上最堅強 我說你世上最善良
你說我世上最堅強 我說你世上最善良

你要我留在這地方 你要我和它們一樣
我看著你默默地說 噢......不能這樣

我就要回到老地方 我就要走在老路上
這時我才知離不開你 噢......姑娘

我就要回到老地方 我就要走在老路上
這時我才知離不開你 噢......姑娘



以及對事業、愛情、人生的不同理解和追求。沈萍 — 一個四川江邊小鎮上土生土長的姑娘,因為不認命,不認熊,發奮努力考上了北京 S 大學中文系。

在新的環境中,由於自己既不是名門之後,也沒有學術界的關係,將來很可能又回到鄉下去當教書匠而自輕自賤。為附庸風雅,她背「人名辭典」,讀藝術家傳記,拜見學者名流,甚至不惜以青春作賭注結交「名門之後」的男朋友,最終落入陷阱。她的虛榮心鼓動著她去「闖人生」,以鑽進「上層社會」的小圈子為榮。另一位青年秦江,原是個在北京上層社會長大的高幹子弟,十年動亂中隨父親的沉浮而沉浮,或得意或沮喪,從未找到自己在生活中的位置。終於有一天,他感到被生活淘汰的恐慌,於是想換一種活法兒 ....
