
Polly Von (Molly Bawn)

每個學 Guitar 的人,都很有可能會練過這首歌 Polly Von,這首歌所述說的,是個 Irish 民間故事,有很多不同的版本,更常是 Ballet 芭蕾舞的故事骨幹。當時年少,每每聽這首樂曲,都會悲慟不已,認為人世的憂傷,沒有比這更大的了。當然長大以後,就知道除了死別、悔恨以外,還有生離、還有背叛、還有侮蔑,還有很多 ... 很多 ... 才曉得有時人比魔鬼更冷酷 ......


有一獵者,與父親同住海邊,可是冷酷無情的魔鬼,似乎已計劃要在這一天摧毀獵者的一生。一如往常,獵者整天外出狩獵,直到太陽下山,日光曦微,獵者帶著疲憊身軀,從山上回到山腰湖邊稍息。昏暗晚霞裡,獵者隱約看到遠處湖畔,一只白色大天鵝,凭著獵者本能反應,令他發出了那百發百中的利箭,獵物很少能從他的箭下得以活命,這一次也不例外,可是這次獵物中箭後死前的歎息,卻好像有點不一樣 ....

獵者走近尋得倒地獵物,赫然發現倒在地上,竟是自己一生的摯愛 Polly Von,利箭已穿過臟腑,沒了任何氣息,獵者心中異常痛悲,噗嗵跪倒地上,別過面去不忍再看,她那死去但依然絶美的遺容,然後他俯身輕輕抱起,那已經氣絶的愛人,彷彿還怕弄痛了她。這時他的眼淚再也不能抑止,就如泉水般湧出,黙黙流淌在剛毅的面朧上。

原來 Polly 見獵者出獵久久未歸,於是造了些他喜愛的甜食,出來山腰湖畔希望可以遇上他,她把剛出爐卻逐漸變冷的餡餅,用白色圍裙緊緊包在身前,希望用身體餘溫把食物暖著,好等與愛郎分享,可是在微弱光線裡,包著白色圍裙的她,遠看時活像一只大天鵝,就這樣,可憐獵者真的把她當成獵物般射殺了。

獵者抱著愛人逐漸冰冷的軀體,忘記了困頓、忘記了一切,走回位處海濱的家,對著父親哭叫著:「父啊,父啊,我錯手殺害了可憐的 Polly,就在她生命最熣燦時期,我親手把它結束。」還一邊嘶啞著哭道:「她一直是我心中的終身伴侣。」

後來,父親找來了其他村民的協助,埋葬了 Polly。從此以後,獵者像是離了魂魄,每天在 Polly 倒下的湖邊,四處閒蕩。縱使天天流著苦澀的淚水,卻也是徒然。每天當太陽緩緩隠沒在變灰的天邊下時,他凝視著湖面,不遠處總會有一只白天鵝,在水面上滑翔而過,像是對他作出無言的嘲諷 ......



Polly Von

I shall tell of a hunter whose life was undone
By the cruel hand of evil at the setting of the sun
His arrow was loosed and it flew through the dark,
And his true love was slain as the shaft found its mark.

She'd her apron wrapped about her
And he took her for a swan
And it's oh and alas it was she, Polly Von

He ran up beside her and found it was she
He turned away his head for he could not bear to see
He lifted her up and found she was dead,
A fountain of tears for his true love, he shed.

She'd her apron wrapped about her
And he took her for a swan
And it's oh and alas it was she, Polly Von

He bore her away to his home by the sea
Crying "Father, oh Father, I murdered poor Polly!
I've killed my fair love in the flower of her life!
I always intended that she be my wife."

"But she'd her apron wrapped about her
And I took her for a swan,
And it's oh and alas it was she, Polly Von."

He roamed near the place where his true love was slain
He wept bitter tears, but his cries were all in vain
As he looked on the lake, a swan glided by
And the sun slowly sank in the gray of the sky

She'd her apron wrapped about her
And he took her for a swan
And it's oh and alas it was she, Polly Von


1 comment:

  1. remember one poem by Thomas Love Peacock

    The Grave of Love

    Frail as thy love, the flowers were dead
    Ere yet the evening sun was set;
    But years shall see the cypress spread,
    Immutable as my regret

    by 子匡 @ midnight
