
Triangular Theory of Love

The Sternberg Triangle was created by Yale professor Robert Sternberg in his 1988 book with Michael Barnes called The Psychology of Love. The triangle holds that three things interact to promote or negate love: intimacy, passion, and decision/commitment.

  • Intimacy - involves the nature of human interaction and is not confined to sexual contact. In Sternberg's view intimacy includes such attributes as: dependency (on each other), mutual understanding and mutual happiness.
  • Passion - is the sexual/physical component of love. Even though passion is related to intimacy, they are not interchangeable terms. Sternberg feels that intimacy (as defined above) stimulates passion.
  • Commitment - is made up of two phases: short term and long term. Short term is simply the decision to love someone. Long term is the decision to invest in that love emotional (and often financial) resources.
By combining these 3 components, Sternberg came up with 8 types of loving. These types are listed in the table below, along with a checklist of the 3 components that make up each type.

Combinations of
Intimacy, Passion, Commitment
          Intimacy  Passion   Commitment
Non Love       Low    Low     Low
Liking/Friendship    High    Low     Low
Infatuated Love    Low    High     Low
Empty Love      Low    Low     High
Romantic Love     High    High     Low
Companionate Love   High    Low     High
Fatuous Love      Low    High     High
Consummate Love   High    High     High

  • Non love refers to the absence of all three components.
  • Liking occurs when we just have intimacy, such as in friendships.
  • Infatuation occurs when we only have passion, such as in love at first sight. This type appears quickly and disappears almost as fast.
  • Empty love occurs when we only have commitment, and is often the residual love that remains once the other types have faded.
  • Romantic love, on the other hand, is the combination of intimacy and passion. In this way, it involves both liking and physical desire for the other person.
  • Companionate love is a combination of commitment and intimacy, and often occurs in the later stages of a relationship after the passion has faded.
  • Fatuous love is a combination of passion and commitment, therefore lacking intimacy.
  • Finally, Consummate love is a combination of all three components. This is our society's ideal type of love, because it involves close friendship, physical urges, and a strong commitment.
Sternberg's theory also states that love is made up of more than just a single triangle, and outlines several different types of triangles. Some of his ideas include the real vs. ideal triangles, the self vs. other triangles, the self-perceived vs. other-perceived triangles, and the thought vs. action triangles. Sternberg believes that these triangles are not independent, but that they interact with one another. These interactions between the components and the triangles account for the complexity that exists within loving relationships.



答案是肯定的!人都有『依附』(attachment) 的本能性需求,這使得人需要有愛。人的依附性是演化的結果,所以,沒有愛,人會活得很空虛。何謂依附?依附就是與生俱來要跟某一特定對象依附在一起的一種心理需求。在低等動物像是雞、鴨也有同樣的情況:小雞跟母雞,小鴨跟母鴨就是這種情形。







Sternberg 愛的『三角理論』


第一個是親近感 (intimacy),也就是跟對方在一起時會有一種相知相惜的溫暖感覺,這是屬於情緒面;第二個是性的吸引力,也就是情慾 (passion),想要有肌膚之親的慾念,這是屬於動機面;第三個是認定,也就是承諾 (decision and commitment),我就是認定他,決定跟他在一起,而不要跟別人在一起,這是屬於認知面。如果這三個成分都全的話,就是最完滿的。可是這種愛是很難找到的,即使碰到,也不容易長期存有。我相信在經過戀愛而結婚的蜜月期的愛,就屬於這種愛。而蜜月期有多長呢?這很難說,也許是一個月,也許是一年。因為這幾個成分並不是固定的,隨著時間和環境的變遷,它們會有所改變。所以不可能永遠都維持在『圓熟之愛』這樣的狀態下,而只是在某些時期能達到這種境界。所以,很多人想要找一段永遠不變的愛情,那只是幻想而已。


根據 Sternberg 的三角理論,可以透過親近感、情慾和承諾三個成分的不同組合,而得出八種可能的關係類型,就是無愛、喜歡、慾戀、虛愛、浪漫之愛、友伴愛、熱愛和圓熟之愛(表一)。
  • 首先是無愛 (non-love),兩人之間,三個成分都很低,這種關係大概就是普通朋友吧。
  • 第二種類型是喜歡 (liking),就是彼此知惜、欣賞與契合,也就是我之前說的友情;這種關係只是親近感很高,情慾和承諾都很低。
  • 另一種類型是慾戀 (infatuated love),這種類型的愛情慾成分很高,往往是發生在一見鍾情的情況,兩個人一碰上就像火花一樣點起來,但是往往很快就燒完。
  • 第四種是虛愛 (empty love),追種愛承諾的成分很高,但其他兩種偏低,結婚多年的老夫老妻可能就是這種。
  • 對年輕人而言,最有吸引力的當然是浪漫之愛 (romantic love) 了!這種愛的親近感和情慾的成分都很高。情慾成分很高不見得就要上床,也許只是親吻擁抱,不過這種愛的承諾成分很低,因為他們也許還沒考慮到結婚的問題。所以這種愛大概只會出現在戀愛時期,結婚後大概就沒有了,如果有的話,可能是外遇吧。
  • 接下來是友伴愛 (companionate love),這種愛比較平淡,一般來說較常發生在鄰居,青梅竹馬的情況,到了適婚年齡,就結婚了。這種愛在親近感和承諾方面都很高,而情慾方面則很低。
  • 第七種是熱愛 (fatuous love),這種愛是當兩人剛認識就產生激情,因而許下承諾,決定要結婚。他們會有很浪漫的想法,會認為既然我愛他,我就應該跟他結婚。由於兩人認識時候很短,彼此對對方都不是十分了解,所以,儘管情慾和承諾的成分都很高,親近感卻是很低。但是激情會隨著時間而慢慢淡化,以至於消失,彼此不熟悉的感覺就浮上來,兩人會覺得很陌生,可能因此而導致離婚。
  • 最後一種就是圓熟之愛 (consummate love),這種境界很難達到,因為它必須要三個成分都維持在很高的水平上。只有在新婚蜜月期,或是在刻意的經營下,譬如說,用心地提高夫妻的生活情趣,設法把三個成分都維持在高水平,才有可能維持圓熟之愛。


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