不知何故,少年時聽著這首俄羅斯民歌,總有種悲慟莫名的感慨,可能是歌曲的旋律有著俄羅斯民歌一貫風格,都是那麼的蒼涼、那麼的落泊 (有人說是俄羅斯太冷的緣故,所以創作的民歌,都有點像處身嚴寒中的苦痛),還是因為歌詞中,趕車的小伙子,想是一個財主的僱工,他長年累月趕著三套車給財主幹活,和馬兒有了深厚的感情,當有一天,財主發現三套車上有一匹馬已經老了,再也幹不了重活,因此要把老馬賣掉,小伙子和馬兒們有共同的命運,將有一日,小伙子也會因為老了,趕不了車了,那時財主也會把他解僱的,傷心之餘,小伙子在茫茫冰雪封凍的伏爾加河上唱起這首憂鬱的歌,就被那種無奈的情懷所感動。
此間的誤譯,始於在俄語歌詞中,一個第三身稱的人稱代詞 “她”(OHа)。這個代詞既可指一個女性的人,比如姑娘,也可指一個表示物的陰性名詞,比如三套車(TPOйка),甚或拖著車的其中一隻母馬。但據通曉俄語的人所說,這首原作的中譯本應如下:
《三套车》Troika (Вот мчится тройка почтовая)
飛奔著三套馬郵車 (按此聽俄語原唱)
是誰讓你傷心,告訴我? "
Седок приветливо спросил. -
Какая на сердце кручина,
Скажи, тебя кто огорчил?
"Ах барин, барин, добрый барин,
Уж скоро год, как я люблю,
А нехристь-староста, татарин
Меня журит, а я терплю.
Ах барин, барин, скоро святки,
А ей не быть уже моей,
Богатый выбрал, да постылый -
Ей не видать отрадных дней...
Ямщик умолк и кнут ременный
С досадой за пояс заткнул.
Родные, стой! Неугомонны! -
Сказал, сам горестно вздохнул. -
По мне лошадушки взгрустнутся,
Расставшись, борзые, со мной,
А мне уж больше не промчатьс
По Волге-матушке зимой!
Ах, добрый барин, скоро святки,
И ей не быть же моей:
Богатый выбрал да постылый,
Ей не видать веселых дней
The other side of the Sun
I live in the world afraid to lose anything.
Take me to your world where I can lose everything.
Take me to your world where I can lose everything.
原曲:The Other Side Of The Sun
作曲:S. Bishop/A. Hammond
夢已完 努力修補也徒然
默默地 滴著淚
仰首望向前 望向前 多麼遠
望著巨浪 但願去海的一邊 找新的一頁
明朝她早起 仍難料到 我告別不言
共聚實在浪漫 我今天心中忽感厭倦
求心境和平寧靜 我天邊飄遠
臨行仍然回頭望妳 今天不知怎去愛妳
是戀愛過 是相愛過 亦相信過
能永共聚 前事沒法再追
別後仍然承認 我去愛過一生中 只得妳
值得我愛 亦值得我記 能令我再到你身邊找妳
冒著巨浪 冒著惡風輕舟中 找到新的體驗
晨星的光輝 如紅日照 我心中安然
舊事就像做夢這刻 心中輕鬆忽感困倦
能完全和平寧靜 找不到一絲怨
原曲:The Other Side Of The Sun
作曲:S. Bishop/A. Hammond
夢已完 努力修補也徒然
默默地 滴著淚
仰首望向前 望向前 多麼遠
望著巨浪 但願去海的一邊 找新的一頁
明朝她早起 仍難料到 我告別不言
共聚實在浪漫 我今天心中忽感厭倦
求心境和平寧靜 我天邊飄遠
臨行仍然回頭望妳 今天不知怎去愛妳
是戀愛過 是相愛過 亦相信過
能永共聚 前事沒法再追
別後仍然承認 我去愛過一生中 只得妳
值得我愛 亦值得我記 能令我再到你身邊找妳
冒著巨浪 冒著惡風輕舟中 找到新的體驗
晨星的光輝 如紅日照 我心中安然
舊事就像做夢這刻 心中輕鬆忽感困倦
能完全和平寧靜 找不到一絲怨
An undue ordinance ...
Drive after drinking, is it really the cause of vehicle incidents?
A driver who drank before he drives does not necessary mean that he is a drunk driver ("drunk" always means the person is not able to control his body). As we all agree, alcohol's effect is different to different person. This should not be the government who act as a "parent" to tell a person what is the alcohol limit for him. This should be the responsibility of the person himself who drinks to judge if he could still control a killing machine after drinking. And certainly, this is also the full responsibility of that person if anything occurs under his control. The incident should not be taken as an accident, instead it should be taken as an irresponsible act of the driver. And the same should apply to the judgment of "tiredness" or condition of the body to operate dangerous machinery.
In view of that, always putting the emphasis "it is wrong to drive after drinking" is just trying to reverse the "results" to the "reasons" and is misleading. Causing the vehicle incidents is not the alcohol but instead it is the driver. Although it seems the percentage of car accidents associating with drank driver is higher (government never publish other car accidents with reckless driver who does not drink), the argument rests on a fundamental confusion of correlation and causality.
In addition, the wrong assumption that every driver who drinks is drunk, will only make more people neglect their liability. Especially when people find out that it is not really the case when they experiment it with drinking a little bit excessive and then drive cautiously back home would not cause any trouble and may be even safer than as usual. Then, people tend not to behave according to the piece of advice as it is overstated and is not representing the truth.
Moreover, the existing and new regulation prosecutes driving after drinking is an unfair rule. This sacrifice the basis ideology of common law: that is "Presume Innocent". It pre-judged all drivers with certain amount of alcohol in blood will not be able to control the vehicle well.
The regulation is only for the "convenience of law executor and legislator". It is as ridiculous as making a regulation to ban the use of knives because they could be used to kill or hurt people. The easiest way for the law executors is to keep this "weapon" away from the access of all people. But will this really reduce murder or assault cases? Is assault cases are caused by the knifes or by the person who want to attack?
So then, what should be the solution? One way to do it is tried to take out those drivers that seems not very much could control themselves from the road. It could be judged by their track records. It could also be determined by the driver’s attitude on the road. Many people should have come across those drivers who drive their car like in the racing track. Maybe their car speed is not exceeding the limit and the driver is not even drinking anything, but those drivers show no courtesy to other users of the road. I am not saying it is easy to make a case against those drivers, but it is worth doing. With the reason in mind that, if police spent more time to take those drivers out from the road, then number of fatal accidents would certainly be reduced. But the work load for the police will surely increase a lot and that the police are certainly not favor this practice.
Another way is to Increase the penalty (especially prohibit the driver causing the incident from using the road for a longer period of time) of causing the incident because of drinking, fatigue, taking medicine before driving as well as those drivers who are reckless, losing temper easily, taking driving as a racing game would certainly help. The penalty in some cases should even cost as high as a life for a life. The penalty is not for the alcohol (nor for the fatigue, nor for the medicine) that the driver took but for the wrong attitude toward driving, the selfish negligence of using a killing machine (i.e. a vehicle) with poor judgment of his own capability. This kind of drivers should be taken out from the road long before they involve in a vehicle incident.
Unless most of those drivers who do not realize a vehicle is actually a killing machine are removed from the road, just escalating the control of driver’s alcohol limit in the blood is just like a cat chasing its own tail and will never able to reduce fatal vehicle incidents. Citizens will only depend more on the judgment of the government and try their best to escape from the liability of their behavior when being caught. This is not the society we would like to live in, right? After all, we should admit that not every driver pass the driving test is "qualify" to share the road with other people no matter that particular driver is drunk or not.
Recommended readings:
A driver who drank before he drives does not necessary mean that he is a drunk driver ("drunk" always means the person is not able to control his body). As we all agree, alcohol's effect is different to different person. This should not be the government who act as a "parent" to tell a person what is the alcohol limit for him. This should be the responsibility of the person himself who drinks to judge if he could still control a killing machine after drinking. And certainly, this is also the full responsibility of that person if anything occurs under his control. The incident should not be taken as an accident, instead it should be taken as an irresponsible act of the driver. And the same should apply to the judgment of "tiredness" or condition of the body to operate dangerous machinery.
In view of that, always putting the emphasis "it is wrong to drive after drinking" is just trying to reverse the "results" to the "reasons" and is misleading. Causing the vehicle incidents is not the alcohol but instead it is the driver. Although it seems the percentage of car accidents associating with drank driver is higher (government never publish other car accidents with reckless driver who does not drink), the argument rests on a fundamental confusion of correlation and causality.
In addition, the wrong assumption that every driver who drinks is drunk, will only make more people neglect their liability. Especially when people find out that it is not really the case when they experiment it with drinking a little bit excessive and then drive cautiously back home would not cause any trouble and may be even safer than as usual. Then, people tend not to behave according to the piece of advice as it is overstated and is not representing the truth.
Moreover, the existing and new regulation prosecutes driving after drinking is an unfair rule. This sacrifice the basis ideology of common law: that is "Presume Innocent". It pre-judged all drivers with certain amount of alcohol in blood will not be able to control the vehicle well.
The regulation is only for the "convenience of law executor and legislator". It is as ridiculous as making a regulation to ban the use of knives because they could be used to kill or hurt people. The easiest way for the law executors is to keep this "weapon" away from the access of all people. But will this really reduce murder or assault cases? Is assault cases are caused by the knifes or by the person who want to attack?
So then, what should be the solution? One way to do it is tried to take out those drivers that seems not very much could control themselves from the road. It could be judged by their track records. It could also be determined by the driver’s attitude on the road. Many people should have come across those drivers who drive their car like in the racing track. Maybe their car speed is not exceeding the limit and the driver is not even drinking anything, but those drivers show no courtesy to other users of the road. I am not saying it is easy to make a case against those drivers, but it is worth doing. With the reason in mind that, if police spent more time to take those drivers out from the road, then number of fatal accidents would certainly be reduced. But the work load for the police will surely increase a lot and that the police are certainly not favor this practice.
Another way is to Increase the penalty (especially prohibit the driver causing the incident from using the road for a longer period of time) of causing the incident because of drinking, fatigue, taking medicine before driving as well as those drivers who are reckless, losing temper easily, taking driving as a racing game would certainly help. The penalty in some cases should even cost as high as a life for a life. The penalty is not for the alcohol (nor for the fatigue, nor for the medicine) that the driver took but for the wrong attitude toward driving, the selfish negligence of using a killing machine (i.e. a vehicle) with poor judgment of his own capability. This kind of drivers should be taken out from the road long before they involve in a vehicle incident.
Unless most of those drivers who do not realize a vehicle is actually a killing machine are removed from the road, just escalating the control of driver’s alcohol limit in the blood is just like a cat chasing its own tail and will never able to reduce fatal vehicle incidents. Citizens will only depend more on the judgment of the government and try their best to escape from the liability of their behavior when being caught. This is not the society we would like to live in, right? After all, we should admit that not every driver pass the driving test is "qualify" to share the road with other people no matter that particular driver is drunk or not.
Recommended readings:
- Drinking-Driving Law Enforcement in France from 1973 to 1993: Backgrounds, Trends and Evolution - Marie-Chantal Jayet
- What Europe can learn from US policies on drinking and driving
Gone are the days ...
「Old Black Joe」原作者:美國傳奇民謠作家–Stephen Collins Foster (1826 - 1864)
老 ... 黑 ... Joe
我來啦 ... 我來啦 ...
老 ... 黑 ... Joe
老 ... 黑 ... Joe
我來啦 ... 我來啦 ...
老 ... 黑 ... Joe
Old Black Joe
Gone are the days
When my heart was young and gay.
Gone are my friends
From the cotton fields away
Gone from the earth
To a better land I know
I hear their gentle voices calling
Old Black Joe
I'm coming, I'm coming
For my head is bending low
I hear their gentle voices calling
Old Black Joe.
Why do I weep
When my heart should feel no pain
Why do I sigh
That my friends come not again
Grieving for forms
Now departed long ago
I hear their gentle voices calling
Old Black Joe
I'm coming, I'm coming
For my head is bending low
I hear their gentle voices calling
Old Black Joe.
Where are the hearts
Once so happy and so free
The children so dear
That I held upon my knee
Gone to the shore
Where my soul has longed to go
I hear their gentle voices calling:
Old Black Joe
Stephen Collins Foster (史蒂芬.佛斯特),1826 年出生於匹芝堡東邊的一個小鎮,在家中十個兄弟姊妹中排行第九。因為家中並不富裕,所以自小幾乎失學在家,但他喜歡閱讀及熱愛音樂。青少年時期界與哥哥即有人合組一個音樂社,名為「方桌武士」,在其十八歲時寫下其生平第一首歌「打開窗扉的愛」(Open The Lattice Love)。
1846,20 歲時,在一家書商工作,那時寫了膾炙人口的「噢!蘇珊娜」 (Oh! Susanna),1848-1849,22-23 歲時寫了有名的「尼得叔叔」 (Uncle Ned) 及「妮莉是一位淑女」 (Nelly Was a Lady),至 1850,24 歲時已完成了 12 首歌曲,並於同年與珍妮 (Jane Denny MacDowell) 結婚,並決定成為一位專業作曲家。
1851 年間,是生活美滿予快樂的時期,在那時創作了有名的「家鄉的老友」 (Old Folks at Home) (或名為 Swanee River 史瓦尼河) 及「斑鳩琴的鈴聲」 (Ring, Ring de Banjo!),「家鄉的老友」成為當時遊子最喜歡唱的歌。1852,至南方的紐奧良補度蜜月,1853 遷居至書商較多的紐約,當年寫了聞名的「My Old Kentucky Home, Good Night」(肯德基老家),1854,為妻子 Jeanie 寫了動人的歌曲「有明亮棕髮的珍妮」 (Jeanie With the Light Brown Hair),1855 因雙親去世而搬回匹芝堡。1851 - 1854 歌曲創作的多產時期之一。
1855 - 1860,因雙親與好友陸續去世,寫作陷入低潮,生活也變得拮倨,在此期間為了償還負債,曾以 150 美元賣掉一首歌曲。
1860,再度隻身前往紐約,當時南北戰爭一觸即發,憶起當年 Jeanie 家中之黑僕,而寫下「Old Black Joe」,此曲成為之後南北戰爭期間黑奴的精神支柱。1860 - 1864 隻身在紐約期間,生活經濟並未改善,並且乏人照顧,1864 年 1 月 13 日 因連日持續高燒不退,無法起床,在沒人照顧的情況下意外去世,死時才 37 歲,當時身上只有美金 38 分錢。
Foster 生平創作的 200 多首歌曲中的將近 100 首是在這段期間所作,包括思念其妻 Jeanie,之後舉世聞名的「美麗的夢仙」或譯為「夢中的佳人」 (Beautiful Dreamer)。

Species Selection ......
The origin of the Doberman Pinscher is unique in that it is the result of purposeful selected breeding to produce anticipated characteristics in a protection dog. The purpose for this dog was determined before the breed existed. The Doberman Pinscher is the only breed known to be developed for this purpose. Because of this, we know exactly where, when, how, and why the Doberman Pinscher came to be.
Herr Karl Friedrich Louis Dobermann was born on February 2, 1823 in Thuringia, Germany. Herr Dobermann worked as a dog catcher and tax collector by day and a police officer at night. He wanted a companion dog for security and protection that was large, agile, intelligent, loyal, and fearless. He wanted what in his mind did not exist in Germany at that time.
In 1880, Herr Dobermann began his breeding program with Thuringian Shepherds, early Rottweilers and German Shepherds. He visited many dog shows and breeding kennels to find the particular characteristics he wanted for his foundation stock. German Pinschers, Black and Tan Terriers, Weimaraners, Greyhounds, and the German Shorthair Pointers all contributed to his early breed stock.
Years of trial and error passed before the refined breed capable of reproducing itself now known as the Dobermann Pinscher was produced. Because of his lifelong love of dogs and his dedication to this breed, upon his death on June 9th, 1884, Herr Dobermann’s friends and colleagues perpetuated his name as a tribute to him in the breed he developed, THE DOBERMANN PINSCHER.
Doberman Pinscher Standard
The appearance is that of a dog of medium size, with a body that is square. Compactly built, muscular and powerful, for great endurance and speed. Elegant in appearance, of proud carriage, reflecting great nobility and temperament. Energetic, watchful, determined, alert, fearless, loyal and obedient. Height at the withers: Dogs 26 to 28 inches, ideal about 27 1/2 inches; Bitches 24 to 26 inches, ideal about 25 1/2 inches. The height, measured vertically from the ground to the highest point of the withers, equaling the length measured horizontally from the forechest to the rear projection of the upper thigh. Length of head, neck and legs in proportion to length and depth of body.
The Doberman Pinscher's natural tail is fairly long; the short tail is the result of docking, a procedure in which the majority of the tail is surgically removed within days of the dog's birth and (in the case of dogs which will be sold as puppies) prior to purchase. Today, docking is illegal in many countries, but not in North America, France, Russia, Japan and a number of other countries with large Doberman populations. One argument for docking the Doberman's tail is that while the dog itself is large and strong, its long, delicate tail is easily injured; many working breeds thus have traditionally had the tail docked off in puppyhood as a preventative measure. It is also thought that docking completes the sleek look that Louis Dobermann had originally envisioned for his dog.
In the battle of Guam, a Doberman named Kurt saved the lives of 250 Marines when he warned them of Japanese troops ahead. Kurt is honored by a life-sized bronze and granite memorial on Guam. Carved into the stone are names of 25 other Dobermans who gave their lives there.
Michael Lemish, author of War Dogs: A History of Loyalty and Heroism (Batsford Brassey), says canines can work as scouts, trackers, messengers, and detectors of mines and booby traps. With their sense of smell, they can detect enemy soldiers at 1,000 yards, hear the whine of a gentle breeze blowing over the tripwire of a booby trap, and smell the breath of underwater saboteurs breathing through a reed. In Vietnam, they were invaluable for locating snipers and checking tunnels and huts.
Herr Karl Friedrich Louis Dobermann was born on February 2, 1823 in Thuringia, Germany. Herr Dobermann worked as a dog catcher and tax collector by day and a police officer at night. He wanted a companion dog for security and protection that was large, agile, intelligent, loyal, and fearless. He wanted what in his mind did not exist in Germany at that time.
In 1880, Herr Dobermann began his breeding program with Thuringian Shepherds, early Rottweilers and German Shepherds. He visited many dog shows and breeding kennels to find the particular characteristics he wanted for his foundation stock. German Pinschers, Black and Tan Terriers, Weimaraners, Greyhounds, and the German Shorthair Pointers all contributed to his early breed stock.
Years of trial and error passed before the refined breed capable of reproducing itself now known as the Dobermann Pinscher was produced. Because of his lifelong love of dogs and his dedication to this breed, upon his death on June 9th, 1884, Herr Dobermann’s friends and colleagues perpetuated his name as a tribute to him in the breed he developed, THE DOBERMANN PINSCHER.
Doberman Pinscher Standard

The Doberman Pinscher's natural tail is fairly long; the short tail is the result of docking, a procedure in which the majority of the tail is surgically removed within days of the dog's birth and (in the case of dogs which will be sold as puppies) prior to purchase. Today, docking is illegal in many countries, but not in North America, France, Russia, Japan and a number of other countries with large Doberman populations. One argument for docking the Doberman's tail is that while the dog itself is large and strong, its long, delicate tail is easily injured; many working breeds thus have traditionally had the tail docked off in puppyhood as a preventative measure. It is also thought that docking completes the sleek look that Louis Dobermann had originally envisioned for his dog.

Michael Lemish, author of War Dogs: A History of Loyalty and Heroism (Batsford Brassey), says canines can work as scouts, trackers, messengers, and detectors of mines and booby traps. With their sense of smell, they can detect enemy soldiers at 1,000 yards, hear the whine of a gentle breeze blowing over the tripwire of a booby trap, and smell the breath of underwater saboteurs breathing through a reed. In Vietnam, they were invaluable for locating snipers and checking tunnels and huts.
You needed me ...?
You Needed Me - Anne Murray
I cried a tear You wiped it dry
我曾哭著淚 你前來抹乾
I was confused You cleared my mind
我曾陷困惑 你解我迷思
I sold my soul You bought it back for me
我曾把靈魂出賣 你卻贖回予我
And held me up and gave me dignity
並扶持我 更給我尊嚴
Somehow you needed me
但不知怎的 你是需要我
You gave me strength to stand alone again
你給我力量 讓我再次站起來
To face the world out on my own again
讓我重拾自信 再次獨立面對世界
You put me high upon a pedestal
So high that I could almost see eternity
You needed me, you needed me
你需要我 你需要我
And I can't believe it's you
I can't believe it's true
I needed you and you were there
And I'll never leave, why should I leave?
我永不會離開你 難道會有離去的理由?
I'd be a fool 'cause I finally found someone who really cares
否則我只會是個傻子 因為最終我已找到真心關顧我的人
You held my hand, When it was cold
當我手冰冷時 你輕擕著暖它
When I was lost, You took me home
當我感迷失時 你引領我回家
You gave me hope, When I was at the end
當我處絶望時 你賦與我希望
And turned my lies, Back into truth again
還能把我的謊言 重新轉化成事實
You even called me friend
Happiness ......?
現代人追求的是強力的麻醉和癮癖,以致於變得只能感受深刻的痛苦了。因為,平常的喜悅和歡樂對他而言,已然顯得太薄弱了。在許許多多的時刻,比方說睡了一場甜美的覺;打完一場盡興的球賽;看了一場精彩電影;吃了一餐美味…。甚至只不過窗外下著雨,室內卻有瓶花的香息和宛轉的音樂在繚繞;或者跑上山巔,躺在草地上,曬著溫煦的冬陽;或者不過是聚精會神,好好地工作了一天 ......。在在無一不是美好的時光。
幸福是什麼?每個人的定義不一樣,擁有心愛的人,擁有自己關心的人,擁有把自己當作很重要的人,都是種幸福 ......?
- 單身的人,希望結婚。希望那個最最最最愛的男人或女人,會像及時雨一般的出現。那麼就可以過一份快樂的生活,擁有幸福了。
- 結婚的人,則認為婚姻是牢獄。希望早些脫逃,那麼便可以重新展開新生活,擁有快樂和幸福了。
- 年輕的少年,則認為家是桎梏。有朝一日,成長單飛,唯有翱翔在那海闊天空的世界,才會快樂幸福。
- 痕跡天涯的人,則期望歸鄉。彷彿住家中的每盞暖黃的燈火,都是幸福,他只嚮往擁有一個家。
- 求學中的學生,則希望早日畢業。脫離考試,不再受煎熬。唯有進入社會之後,才能夠變成一個獨立自主的人。擁有自己的工作和事業,才有幸福快樂可言。
- 一個成年人,為事業奔忙。無止無休,終日操勞,又不禁懷念起無憂無慮的求學時代,甚至做起重返校園的夢來了。
現代人追求的是強力的麻醉和癮癖,以致於變得只能感受深刻的痛苦了。因為,平常的喜悅和歡樂對他而言,已然顯得太薄弱了。在許許多多的時刻,比方說睡了一場甜美的覺;打完一場盡興的球賽;看了一場精彩電影;吃了一餐美味…。甚至只不過窗外下著雨,室內卻有瓶花的香息和宛轉的音樂在繚繞;或者跑上山巔,躺在草地上,曬著溫煦的冬陽;或者不過是聚精會神,好好地工作了一天 ......。在在無一不是美好的時光。
幸福是什麼?每個人的定義不一樣,擁有心愛的人,擁有自己關心的人,擁有把自己當作很重要的人,都是種幸福 ......?
Meaning of Marriage?
Monday Morning
Peter, Paul & Mary
Early one morning one morning in spring,
To hear the birds whistle the nightingales sing.
I met a fair maiden who sweetly did sing:
"I'm going to be married next Monday morning."
How old are you my fair young maid?
Here in this valley this valley so green,
How old are you my fair young maid?
"I'm going to be sixteen next Monday morning."
Well sixteen years old, that's too young for to marry.
So take my advice, five years longer to tarry.
For marriage brings troubles and sorrows begin.
So put off your wedding for Monday morning.
You talk like a mad man, a man with no skill
Two years I've been waiting against my own will
Now I'm determined to have my own way
And I'm going to be married next Monday morning
And next Monday morning the bells they will ring
And my true love will buy me a gay gold ring
Also he'll buy me a new pretty gown
To wear at my wedding next Monday morning
Next Monday night when I go to my bed
And I turn round to the man that I've wed
Around his middle my two arms I will fling,
And I wish to my soul it was Monday morning.
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