
Shadowland ...

We live in the shadowlands.
Sun is always shining somewhere else...
around a bend in the road...
over the brow of a hill.
C.S. Lewis

The farthest distance in the world
is not the space between life and death.
But that you don't know I love you
while I am standing in front of you.

The farthest distance in the world
is not that you don't know I love you
while I am standing in front of you.
But that we can't be together
though we both love each other.

The farthest distance in the world
is not that we can't be together
while we both love each other.
But that I have to pretend that
I don't care about you at all
while I can't help missing you.

The farthest distance in the world
is not that I have to pretend that
I don't care about you at all
while I can't help missing you.
But that you dig an unsurpassable gap
between you and your lover
with an indifferent heart.
 Originated from Amy Cheung

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