
Butterfly effect

Does the Flap of a Butterfly’s Wings in Brazil Set off a Tornado in Texas?
Edward Norton Lorenz

Everything has its cause.  But are cause and effect fair?  In the macro sense, causation may seem fair.  Things are happened because there must have some reasons.  However down to an individual level, the effects act upon us may not related to what we did before.  Other people’s work done acts upon us, and we have to take it voluntarily or involuntarily. 

In fact, cause and effect is operating in an indifferent way without limit.  It could not be said to be fair or unfair, it just operate “cruelly” or “peacefully” in indifference.  Bearing this in mind, we human should be more humble and should not have any delusion that we could save the world by our subjective will.

Perhaps this is what we should try:
Let us live one day at a time;
Enjoy one moment at an instant;
Accepting things that we cannot change;
Courage to change the things we can;
Taking this sinful world as it is,
not as we would have it;
Trusting that we will make a difference
if we don’t surrender to indifference;
That we may be reasonably happy in this life ……

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