
Butterfly effect

Does the Flap of a Butterfly’s Wings in Brazil Set off a Tornado in Texas?
Edward Norton Lorenz

Everything has its cause.  But are cause and effect fair?  In the macro sense, causation may seem fair.  Things are happened because there must have some reasons.  However down to an individual level, the effects act upon us may not related to what we did before.  Other people’s work done acts upon us, and we have to take it voluntarily or involuntarily. 

In fact, cause and effect is operating in an indifferent way without limit.  It could not be said to be fair or unfair, it just operate “cruelly” or “peacefully” in indifference.  Bearing this in mind, we human should be more humble and should not have any delusion that we could save the world by our subjective will.

Perhaps this is what we should try:
Let us live one day at a time;
Enjoy one moment at an instant;
Accepting things that we cannot change;
Courage to change the things we can;
Taking this sinful world as it is,
not as we would have it;
Trusting that we will make a difference
if we don’t surrender to indifference;
That we may be reasonably happy in this life ……


Innovation 101

This simple idea was developed back in 1996.  At time, the design was stipulated when seeing the grannies (with or without wheelchairs) trying to cross a road to a hospital.  They already took a taxi to the nearest point to a hospital or clinic.  However, they still needed to cross the road to reach there.  They either had to walk through the pedestrian tunnels or flyovers with so many steps up and down or to take the risk to cross somewhere without fence along the road.  This comes to a question: is that a must for pedestrian to walk up stairs or should let the vehicles do the up-slope?  So a concept begins ……

The purpose of the design is trying to solve the problem stated below:
    1.  In the cross way, vehicles and pedestrians are always competing for the use of the road.  This is dangerous for all of the crossway users.

    2.  In general, the solution for the crossway to maintain the order (without considering the convenience of the users) is like that:

    • Installation of Traffic Lights.  But this did not solve the problem completely.  If the control for the traffic lights are not adaptive, the efficiency of the traffic flow will be reduced substantially.  And reckless drivers or pedestrian still may cause accident without somebody hurt.
    • Installation of pedestrian flyover or tunnels.  This solution causes pedestrian to walk up and down of long stairways.  In British influence countries, double deck buses are on the road.  That means, the pedestrian flyovers have to be at least 2 stories high.  And because of the service buried under the road, that also means, the pedestrian tunnels have to be 2 to 3 stories deep.  And this is not very welcomed by pedestrian although sometimes it is the only solution if space is not allowed.
    3.   With this design, just elevating the road for vehicles for two to three meters from the ground.  This achieves the complete separation of vehicles and pedestrian.  And the pedestrian will have less incentive of crossing the road with vehicle traffic as that of pedestrian tunnels and flyovers.

    The design:
    • Utilizing metal structure to pre-fabricate the components.  The Junction Flyover should stand more than 80 to 100 tons static load per lane (which is more than the load of 3 double deck buses). 
    • The time for the installation of this flyover should be around 8 to 10 hours and with a few more hours for testing and commissioning.
    • The cost of the whole project should be less than US$ 2 million.
    Possible advantages of this system:
    • No need to build high rising flyover for vehicles.
    • Pedestrian just walk on flat level, no need to walk up or down stair way.  More convenient for pedestrian. 
    • Pedestrian and Vehicles are separate completely.  The traffic light will only cater for controlling vehicles traffic.  The efficiency of traffic flow should be increased significantly.
    • Other space under the flyover could be utilized for facilities repair spots such as telephone switch boxes, main water pipe valves, gas main valves, etc.
    • For long straight main road, with this junction flyover, this may discourage speeding because it will be bumpy when passing through the junction at high speed.
    Possible disadvantages of this system:
    • The vehicles may use more energy because there are small up-hill slopes.
    • Straight road become bumpy.  This may be an advantage as state earlier.
    • Pedestrian may need to walk a bit farther to cross the road because the elevated road for vehicles may block some part of the road.


    Wiem, że jesteś tam



    Wiem, że jesteś tam 
    (I know you are there)

    Wiem, że jesteś sam
    (I know that you are alone)
    Wiem, że masz na głowie tyle ważnych spraw
    (I know that you have on your head so many important issues)
    Nie pamiętasz już co znaczy dobry sen
    (Do you remember what it means to have a good night's sleep)
    Nie masz czasu na niepewność ani lęk
    (Even do not have time for uncertainty or fear)
    Wiem, że jesteś sam
    (I know that you are alone)

    Nic nie musisz mówić
    (You have nothing to say)
    Wiem, że jesteś sam
    (I know that you are alone)
    Pewnie teraz nie najlepszy na to czas
    (This is probably not the best time for it)
    Ale dzisiaj potrzebuje twoich rad
    (But today, I need your advice)

    Dzisiaj proszę cie
    Today I ask you
    ten jeden raz zatrzymaj się
    (Just for this one time)
    ten jeden raz stań tuż obok mnie
    (Just for this one time to stand by my side)
    dziś czuje, że brak mi sił
    (Today I feel that I lack of strength)
    ten jeden raz bądź blisko mnie
    (Just this one time to be close to me)
    poczuć mi daj, że to wszystko ma sens
    (let me feel that it all makes sense)
    dziś wiem, że brak mi sił
    (Today I know that I lack of strength)

    Wiem, że jesteś tam
    (I know you are there)
    Nie widuję cię, lecz wiem, że jesteś tam
    (I do not see you, but I know you are there)
    Cały dzień i noc ktoś puka do twych drzwi
    (All day and night, someone knocks on your door)
    Każdy chciałby wiedzieć jak ma dalej żyć.
    (Everyone wants to know how to go on living.)
    Wiem, że jesteś tam
    (I know you are there)
    Dla każdego zawsze musisz znaleźć czas
    (For you always have to find time)
    I choć nigdy o nic nie prosiłam cię
    (And though I have never asked for anything you do not have)
    Dzisiaj proszę bez kolejki przyjmij mnie
    (Today, please take me along without making me stay in queue)

    Dzisiaj proszę cie
    (Today I ask you)
    ten jeden raz zatrzymaj się
    (Just this one time)
    ten jeden raz stań tuż obok mnie
    (Just this one time to stand by my side)
    dziś czuje, że brak mi sił
    (Today I feel that I lack of strength)
    ten jeden raz bądź blisko mnie
    (Just this one time to be close to me)
    poczuć mi daj, że to wszystko ma sens
    (Let me feel that it all makes sense)
    Dziś wiem, że brak mi sił
    (Now I know that I lack of of strength)

    Ten jeden raz
    (Just this one time)
    Ten jeden raz
    (Just this one time)
    Dziś czuję, że brak mi sił
    (Today, I feel that I lack of strength)