The Pareto principle (also known as the 80-20 rule, the law of the vital few, the principle of factor sparsity, and the power law) states that, for many events, roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes.

A power law 冪律 or Pareto principle is a special kind of mathematical relationship between two quantities. If one quantity is the frequency of an event, and the other is the size of the event, then the relationship has a power-law distribution when the frequency of the event decreases at a greater rate than the size increases. For instance, an earthquake twice as large is four times as rare. If this pattern holds for earthquakes of all sizes, then the distribution is said to "scale." Power laws also describe other kinds of relationships, such as the metabolic rate of a species and its body mass (called Kleiber's law), and the size of a city and the number of patents it produces. What this relationship means is that there is no typical size in the conventional sense. Power laws are found throughout the natural and man made worlds, and are an active area of scientific research.
有關 80-20 定理在經濟學的範籌已有很多應用,但利用冪律應用在其他地方卻有另一翻啟發。
冪律表明,大事件和小事件都是由相同的因素引起的,並沒有特別的『大』因素。地殼或沙堆處於自組織的臨界狀態 Critical state (自身逐漸形成的高度敏感的不穩定狀態),在這種情況下任何規模的地震或坍塌都可能發生,大規模地震或坍塌的出現純屬偶然,並無其他的特殊因素,是不可預測的。
不過,研究人員通過計算機模擬發現的另一個現象,卻對如何控制野火的規模很有啟發。他們用不同的點火頻率進行模擬。有的模擬每種 125 棵樹扔一根火柴,有的每種 500 棵樹扔一根火柴,有的則每種 2,000 棵樹才扔火柴。點火的頻率越低,發生大火的頻率就越高。在頻率低到每種 2,000 棵樹才扔火柴時,這時網格上已密密麻麻佈滿了樹,扔下的火柴通常點燃大量的樹木,在許多情況下甚至燒光了所有的樹。
他們把這稱為『黃石公園效應』。在 1972 年之前,黃石公園對野火採取零容忍政策,一旦發現野火就盡量將其撲滅。這就像是模擬程序中超低的點火頻率,也出現了類似的後果:1988 年黃石公園突發大火,燒掉了 32 萬公頃的森林,佔黃石公園面積的36%。
美國林業部門後來意識到了野火也是森林自然生態一個不可或缺的部分,對自然因素引起的野火不再撲滅,任其燃燒(除非威脅到生命、財產的安全);林務員時不時地還在嚴格控制下有選擇地放火燒掉一部分森林。但是要讓森林恢復被破壞了近百年的自然平衡還需要時間。如果美國林業部門早一點放棄對野火零容忍的政策,也許 1988 年的黃石公園大火就可以避免,Angelis 國家森林所在的加州也不至於近年來連連爆發森林大火了。